The family

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A/n: yall I have neglected you!!! Why did no one bully me into writing another chapter!!! No just kidding don't bully me I'm too sensitive for that! Lol. No but in all honestly it's almost been a whole fricken year what the hell. Where was I? Oh... fighting my brain in school that's where. Regardless I will finish this book! It might take another year but I promise I'm gonna finish It! I owe you all that! So with that note.... Enjoy? (Is there anyone still a fan of the book?? Lol I hope so...)

I clasp my hands together, leaning forward to peer out the window. My mouth becomes dry. My stomach flips. I bite the inside corner of my lower lip.

He said not to dress up and to be myself but I'm still so nervous! What if they tell me I'm no longer good enough?! Ah!! I sigh, leaning back in my seat.

I've decided to keep my feelings to myself on this marriage matter. I may have feelings for this guy but despite knowing it's an act I can't help feeling happy I am the one who gets to be close with Asher.

I know it's an act but I still... I still ended up falling in love. Guess that makes me a cheesy romantic huh?

My stomach churns. Ah! I'm so nervous! I lean forward and peer out the window once more. Swallowing hard and watching the world I know pass by as we continue to drive toward Asher's parents house.

Asher was driving of course and I sat quietly in the passenger side of the vehicle.

I watch as we pass a car. There is a family inside. A little boy playing in his car seat as the parents drive. They look happy. Would me and Asher get that far? I blush immediately. No no no! What am I thinking?!

I fidget and sit back in my seat. Maybe I should try and get some rest.. I just know I won't be getting much sleep at his parents house. Will we have a shared room? Will Asher be in my bed?

I can feel my heart thudding in my chest. I feel like I wanna puke. My hands are sweating, it as cold sweat. I feel panicked and queasy. What if I mess everything up?

I lean back, clear my throat to try's me calm myself. I just need to catch a quick nap so I can calm my nerves. That's all... I adjust the seat a bit and lay back, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath in.

I lay there for a second and then sigh. This is going to be impossible. There's no way I can fall asleep being I could be guillotined in the next minute!!! I don't care how ones sides my feelings are I wanted tummy opportunity to be beside Asher!! If he parents take that away?!

Or worse!!! I gasp, my hands digging themselves into the leather seat of the car. What if they publicly humiliate Asher for being with me? What if the test me and I fail and I make the whole family suffer? What if my chances of living a happy life with Asher are ripped from me?!! I groan and sit back up. What do I even begin to say to them?

I couldn't thank them for the opportunity even if I'm grateful because then it would just sound like I'm just grateful for the money and because I've fallen for Asher. Plus it might make Asher uncomfortable hearing that I actually really like him. But if I don't say how thankful I am then I'll seem uninterested or rude and give bad impressions and lose everything!

Ahhhh! I lean back into the seat and sigh once more, my body give a slight shudder.

I'm lost. I need to Puke. I feel like I can't breathe. My hands are going numb from their grip on the seat. I need to stop and relax. Asher said he's take care of things for me. I steal a glance at him.

Perhaps I should ask Asher what I should do... I observe him, he's driving so maybe I shouldn't. I bring my hand up to my mouth, planning to bit my nails— a nervous habit of mine— as I mulled over how to go about my death when Asher suddenly reached his own hand out and grabbed mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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