I tread the water, and float upright. I see different Stone soldiers growling, and conversing. I scrunch my face. I must've swam around the entire island. That's good to know....

I swim closer, using nearby rocks to my advantage. I hide behind them, and eavesdrop on their conversation. Not that I could understand a single word they said.

I leaned around, trying to get a better listen on them. I finally leaned too much, and slip. God dang it.

I made a loud splash noise and it earned the confused grunt from one of the Warriors. I cringe, and stop my every movement.

I wait to here the resuming of their conversation, but I never do. I breath slowly, and try to swim away. Buuut since the world doesn't work that way, guess what happened?

My body got yanked out from the ocean, and blindfolded. Just the way I wanted to celebrate our winnings. My mouth gets gagged, and I struggle to get out. "Hey let go! Get off!"

My elemental blade sits heavy in my pocket, the soldier not noticing it. I shout and protest but there's nothing I can do. My vision is blocked, so I can't see anything.

Next thing I know, I hear the soldiers voice and Garmadons presence.

"You've captured a ninja?"

"Yes my lord. The female. She is quite the fighter. It was a...*ahem* difficult little game but we eventually got what we wanted."

I growl and manage to spit out the gag. "Is that what you call kidnapping and blindfolding? You've got a weird vocabulary on your hands."

He grumbles and throws me to the dirt, the soldier taking the blindfold off. Garmadon narrowed his eyes down at me. I look around and find myself in an enclosed room.

"What do you want with me you psycho?"

He huffs, pacing around. "You know I wouldn't hurt you, right Y/n?"

I sit up a little, gritting my teeth. "I don't know. I'll just have to find out."

He smirks, rolling his eyes. "You are a very close friend of my sons. And I would never do anything to harm him. Well, only in some cases."

"You're really sick, you know that?" I spit.

He chuckles. "Sick like your parents? The ones who only viewed you as a low life lab rat? If anyone's sick, it's not me. I'm merely thinking of the best possible image of our little city Ninjago. In other words, my image. Do think about that Y/n. It is quite simple."

I stand up, hands in balls next to my sides.

"You aren't thinking of the city! Of the people! You're only thinking about yourself! Not Lloyd! Not the ninja! Not anyone! Not even your own brother! Or wife! Your own blood and family!"

My words seemed to have impact, and a rounded flowing plasma ball appeared behind him.

"Ahhh. I see you have captured a ninja. Good work." It congratulates.

I widen my eyes, but it's Ninjago. Anything is bound to happen these days.

"Wow. A talking orb. What else is new?" I mumble.

Garnadon grimaces as the orb growls. "How dare you speak to me that way. I am the Overlord. Ruler of darkness."

I roll my eyes. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry your highness. I sincerely apologize for mistaking you for some weird illusion. I was starting to think Zane might've accidentally added something to the food."

Garmadons eyes perk up. "The ninja? Where are their locations? You must know where they are hidden."

I shake my head. "Like I'd snitch. You should know me better than that Garmy."

A Hybrid's Tale (ninjago x reader)Where stories live. Discover now