Chapter 2

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Mom and I are halfway through the dead end when I notice a red BMW parked in my driveway that stops me in my tracks.

"What's Johnny's car doing here?" my mom asks and I panic.

"Crap! We had breakfast plans, I totally forgot."

"I'm sure he won't be too mad."

"I was at our new neighbors' house where there is a very attractive seventeen year old boy."

"Okay, he'll be pissed."

Johnny gets out of his car and I look him up and down. His white t-shirt paired with blue jeans and his jet black hair and dark sunglasses has him looking like every girl's dream and my nightmare.

"I have to take your grandma to the doctor today, why don't you two talk?" My mom offers.

I nod and bite my lip as I walk over to Johnny and hug him. He's only three inches taller than me, standing at five-ten, so my head rests perfectly on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," I say. "We stopped in to meet the new neighbors and I lost track of time."

"And you didn't answer your phone because?"

I try to think of an excuse for not checking it all morning when I remember it's been on silent the whole time I was next door. "I didn't hear it go off. I'm so, so sorry."

"It's fine." He shakes his head.

"We can do something else."

"Like what?" he groans.

"My mom has to take my grandma to the doctor today."

"That's not much of a date, Alex."

"I wasn't inviting you to a doctor's office." I laugh. "I was inviting you to do something fun here while they're gone."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Whatever you want."

He wraps his arms around me and places his hands on my butt as he kisses me.


"Let's go inside." I tilt my head up and kiss him again.

He nods so I grab his hand and lead him up the sidewalk. We walk inside and kick our shoes off by the front door before making our way up the stairs.

"Hello, Johnny." Grandma smiles.

"Hey, Maureen," he says and I lead him over to the black couch in the living room.

"We're leaving," my mom says. "We should be back in about three hours."

"Okay." I nod.

"Hey, kid, make sure you wear a condom." Grandma points at Johnny. "I don't want to be a great grandma until I'm dead."

"Would you stop?" Mom laughs. "They aren't having sex."

"They better not be." Grandma shakes her head and starts walking down the stairs.

My mom waves at me to get my attention and mouths the words 'be safe' before following my grandma down the stairs and out the front door.

I wait for the door to close and let out the laugh I've been holding in for the entirety of that situation.

"You told your mom we've had sex?"

"No, my doctor did." I roll my eyes. "She called with the results of the STD tests and since I'm a minor they don't need my permission to share it with my parents."

"That's fucked."

"At least she's fine with it."

"She can't really give you shit for it when she was doing the same thing."

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