The Royal Blacksmiths

Start from the beginning

"He wanted me to follow in his footsteps, but when I couldn't sing or dance I-" he choked up. "I ran away."

Coles story broke my heart. I felt so bad for him.

"And when he sees I can't dance, he'll know I've been lying in all the letters I've been sending him."

Zane speaks up. "He doesn't know you're a ninja?"

"What? You gonna crack some joke that my old man wears a tutu?" Cole spat. "What?! No, of course not Cole. And after that one time, I think you're wrong. You can dance. And you can sing. If your old man has a problem with you, he'll have to go through the first." I said.

"I agree." Kai cuts in. "But if we're gonna have any chance at getting that Fang Blade before they do, we better get our act in tune." Kai puts a hand on mine and Cole's shoulder.

"Nice pun." I raise an eyebrow. He smirks.



(3rd person pov)

They stood on the top deck, and held their weapons. The Bounty flew over the famous city, and off they jumped. They cheered as they fell, summoning their vehicles mid air. "Wooohoooo!" They all shouted.

The five landed in a small neighborhood, and Cole opened a big briefcase. It had holders for all their weapons, and his Scythe already sat inside.

"All right, hand them over." Cole chuckled. They all wore casual attire, matching hoodies. Cole sported a Black hoodie, while Jay had blue, Zane had white, Kai with red, and Y/n in gray.

( Even tho that ain't her go color, just go along with it ;p )

"Ah- Ah. But no mortal shall possess all four." Jay said, cracking himself up. "Haha very funny." Cole rolled his eyes.

Y/n placed hers inside, and smiled at Cole. "No Indigo? What's up with the gray?" He asked.

"Just because we're color coded ninja, doesn't mean we can't wear other clothing with different colors ya know." She smirked. She's placed her fans in the case.

Kai placed his sword into the case as well. "Wanna explain why we can't keep our weapons?"

" I told you. My dad can't find out I'm a ninja." Cole said, like it was obvious. "And I don't wanna explain why I'm carrying around a giant Scythe around." They walked up to the front door, and Cole became more anxious by the second.

"Just remember the plan. We find out who has the Blade Cup, we snatch it, and then we get the heck out of town." Cole says.

Y/n is hesitant, but nods.

He knocks on the door, and everyone puts on a smile. They hear faint walking, and a voice. "Just a moment!"

The door suddenly opens to an angry faced man with facial features like Cole's. "Hey, Dad! How longs it been?" Cole throws his hands in the air.

Cole's father glared at him, not paying any attention to the others around him. "What?! You too good for the doorbell?!" He slams the door shut on his sons face.

"I-uh-.....what?" Y/n confusingly whispers. Cole only stares at the door in a surprised and annoyed expression. "Welcome to my world.."

"Use the bell, son." The father said from the inside. They could all hear the eye roll in his voice. Cole hesitantly pushes the button, and an auto mated voice spoke. "Welcome!!"

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