-Doc's POV, 1st-

"Ah, Wels, you're here," I said. He looked nervous as he sat down. "Yes, I am, but what I wanna know is why I am here." He said, and I nodded at his statement. "Yes, well, it's about Iskall," he motioned for me to go on. "Well, uh, he almost killed Grian..." He looked surprised, but stayed silent. "And we need your help trying to work with him, because he has been refusing to eat until we either show him Grian, or force him, and we thought you'd be the best candidate, because, well..." I trailed off, but my point was obvious, apparently, because he nodded. "So, you need me to hold him down, then?" He asked. "Jah, you are one of the stronger people I know, aside from myself, and I would do it, but I have to go take care of Grian, and plus, fighting cyborgVcyborg is never a good idea."

He nodded. "Where is he?" I stood up, gesturing for him to follow. He stood as well, walking behind me, and I led the way to the door. It was made of obsidian and Netherite, which we had gotten our hands on in the new update. I pulled some levers, and the door opened, emitting purple smoke. It was designed to keep him in, and only let us out. Before Wels entered, I gave him a purple bracelet. "Put this wherever you want, and it will stay there forever, even if you die." He nodded nervously, choosing the top of his right hand. He slapped it on, and watched. A tattoo of a skeleton spread from his fingertips to his shoulder, and he jumped in shock.

"What the- you didn't say it would do that!" I nodded. "I knew you wouldn't do it if I told you that that would happen. It's kind of the new Dragon Bros, in a way," he looked unsure of whether to laugh or yell. He did a mixture of both. "You mean to tell me that I now have this- this tattoo for the rest of the season?!" He asked in annoyance and shock, trying not to look at his arm while he did so. "Well, you kinda have to, now that you put it on. Before you go off on me, you gotta admit that it looks very cool, jah?" I added, and he sighed. "I hate that you're right-" he admitted. "Now, what about Iskall?" I had completely forgotten about him in the process of giving Wels the bracelet. "Right, right, you can enter now," he walked through the cold purple smoke, and I followed. Neither of us flinched at the cold, but the creeper part of me felt a little more alert, as it always did when I walked through that stuff.

"Hello again Iskall, how are you since the last time I visited?" I asked politely. No response, and then, "Good. Why is Wels here?" I dropped the friendly act. "He's here to help, since you have been refusing everything. He knows about the whole... Situation." Iskall just stared at me blankly, with a gaze that was cold, broken, and impenetrable. "We can't bring Grian here for many reasons, one of them being that you injured him beyond repair, and the list grows from there," he nodded. "So he's physically unstable?" I stood straight, shaking my head. "He's more so disabled than unstable at the moment," No response.

"Iskall-?" He interrupted me. "'I severed the ties between myself and humanity.'" His voice was about to crack. "Go ahead, show him your tattoo Doc, show him what it says." How did he know about my tattoo? "What do you- You want me to show him?" He nodded. Wels raised an eyebrow. "Show me? Show me what?" I pulled up the tattered sleeve of my lab coat to reveal my wrist. It had a tattoo that looked exactly like a bloody puncture wound, and written in it were the words: 'I severed the ties between me and humanity.' It was eerie, how had he known what my tattoo said? How had he even known about my tattoo?

What if- "Wels, check yours for anything special or different," I said, and he obliged. Iskall looked at Wels. "A broken bone, right at the top of your arm, almost at your shoulder but not quite, there's a piece of it missing. Where the bone piece was is the word 'coexist'." Just like before, he was right, the word coexist written in messy chicken scratch. "How did you do that?" Wels asked the question we were both thinking. "I have x-ray vision, obviously. It only works on abnormal colours, though. Like, for instance, on Doc, my eye always starts bugging because of the overload of green and silver, and with Wels, it always finds the spot on his neck where his birthmark is. It's quite useful for locating injuries. Also, Doc, you might wanna do something about that purple tattoo on your back,"

I backed away from him. "What tattoo? I don't have one on my back-" I hit the wall. "You know that lying does you no good, I can see it clearly." I backed towards the door slowly. "I don't know what you're talking about." I felt a strong grip on my shoulder, and whipped around. It was Wels. "Doc, if you keep it a secret, it'll only be worse when we find out." I tried to shove him off, but he wouldn't budge. "Either show us, or stop lying about it, but don't just keep it a secret," I felt compelled to do so, but I also didn't want to at the same time. "Please?" I sighed. "Fine, but get off me." He obliged, backing away to give me my personal space. I took off the lab coat to reveal a black army style tank top. Underneath was a tattoo of dragon wings, big, black, and ominous.

I tried honing my aura towards it, and it glowed a bright purple, before big, black wings poured out of my back. They didn't sprout out below the shoulders like normal wings, but instead just sort of erupted like really precise volcanoes of black acidic tar. I tried to hide them, but they ended up spreading out evenly and digging into the ground. I put them away, unable to stand, and left the room, lab coat over my back. Before I did, however, I gave Wels some food and told him what to do. He nodded, looking like he wanted to question the wings, but also didn't want to disturb the silence. I left, and felt myself relax, before an enormous pain erupted from my back. "Agh-" I said, staggering. I had never let my wings out in the room, and I suspect that walking through the smoke might have something to do with it.

I was able to regain my balance, and closed the door. Wait, was I supposed to do that? Probably. I started walking away towards my base, before remembering that I could fly, and letting my wings out again. They stuck into the ground, launching me into the air, and then wrapping around me. It was my method of travel if I was feeling up to letting my wings out. I would let them out, they would dig into the ground, launch me, curl around me, and spin in circles until they met the ground again. Then it would repeat, kind of like a slingshot that launches it's ammo, and is it's ammo as well. I heard a crack, and then- "Yo, watch out, dude-" Ren. "Hey Ren, what's up?" I asked, setting my wings into the ground. "Nothing, what's up with those, uh, tentacles?" Ren replied, giving me a questioning stare.

"They are actually wings, believe it or not," I said, spreading them out again to show him. "I never knew you had wings, but I know that they hurt, since you just crashed into me with them." I fidgeted awkwardly with my hands. "Sorry, I can't really see to aim when I'm inside them, haha," he nodded understandingly. "You are taking this shockingly well, almost like this is normal-" He laughed. "Well, the Ren diggity dog ain't scared of some big ol' wings! I've seen plenty of wings before, believe me," I nodded. "Well, it was nice seeing you, but I have to go," I said, and Ren nodded again. "Same dude, catch ya later!" I waved goodbye before flinging myself off again. Eventually, I made it to my base, and put my wings away, lying down in bed to sleep. "What a strange day..." I thought, before falling asleep.

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