He turned around, kicking up a cloud of dirt and twigs as he raced towards Hogwarts. When he heard his Human friend scream his Human name he pushed himself as fast as he could go without breaking something.  

He didn't bother to question why the doors to both the Entrance Hall and the Great Hall where open. He just sprinted through and jumped, landing on top of a giant troll. 

He raked his claws up and down the back of the troll before leaping over its head. He landed on the ground and growled as the troll bellowed in pain and anger. 

                                                                       The Wolf of Hogwarts 

Hermione, along side everyone else in the Great Hall was silent. Everyone only had eyes for the massive wolf fighting off the troll. 

His growls where so deep that Hermione was sure she was able to feel some of them. She watched Nannar leap forward and snap at the trolls legs. The troll kicked out connecting with Nannar and sending him flying across the Great Hall to land in front of the Staff Table. 

Nannar got up, bones and muscles snapping as he stood on two legs, and howled. Everyone shivered as they recognized the howl. It was the same one that was heard at the beginning of the feast but this time it was filled with anger and malice. 

Nannar, still on two legs, sprinted forward and launched himself at the troll. The troll swung his club hitting Nannar in the stomach. Nannar just held on to the club, weighing it down and almost tipping the troll over. 

The werewolf climbed on the club and onto the arm, shredding everything in sight with his teeth and claws. The troll bellowed in pain and rage as Nannar bit into it's face. The troll finally managed to hit him and sent Nannar rolling to the floor. 

Nannar shrugged it off and stood on his hind legs. "Leave. My. Territory!" Nannar growled out. The troll looked him over before huffing in obvious anger and heading out the same way he came in. 

Hermione took one look at Nannar and had to admit that had she been in the trolls shoes, she probably would have left to. The raven black werewolf, towering at roughly thirteen feet tall and built like a massive bear, was an intimidating sight. 

Once the troll was out of sight, Nannar collapsed to the floor. Both Hermione and Madam Pomfrey where up in a flash and making their way down towards where Nannar collapsed. 

Dumbledore was soon out of his seat as he addressed the students. "Perfects, ensure that your House gets to their common rooms." Everyone got out of their seats, still stunned into silence at the battle they just witnessed. 

Hermione was the first to reach Nannar and came to a stop beside him. She sat on the ground and ran her fingers through his fur trying to provide some measure of comfort. Madam Pomfrey set about casting a multitude of spells. 

It was a few minutes of tense silence before Madam Pomfrey spoke. "He will survive. Just a couple of bruised ribs which should heal by the time the moon sets." She turned towards Hermione. "Now, Miss Granger, care to tell me who this werewolf is?"

Hermione looked up towards the Hogwarts Healer. "In this form he likes to be called Nannar. In his human form you know him better as Harry Potter."

Dumbledore, who had been standing off to the side, nodded as if something had been confirmed. Hermione noticed that the four heads of houses had also gathered around and had similar expressions to Dumbledore. 

Hermione noted that Madam Pomfrey looked a little flustered but hid it well. "Well, in that case we must get him outside. He will heal better out there." Hermione nodded and stood up allowing Madam Pomfrey to levitate him outside. 

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