Fifty Three: Constellation Without Stars

Start from the beginning

"Once upon a star 
I kept darkness at bay

Yet now the darkness has 
Broke free for reign

Just the centre
Between morning and night

No longer will I shine a star
Our enemies have gone too far

Be it simple for a star to shine
No light is as bright as mine
Out there shining just as bright
Being the Light of the Midnight

You shall forget me
I swear now I set you free
No you will not miss me
'Tis just how it is meant to be

Put the replacements
In all the right places
The love in my heart
Will cut off the traces

I once lived in darkness 
Until found by thee
What I am committing
Will forever haunt me

Forever is not long
For after I will no longer be
All of you are safe now
Kill her and be free

It pains me to do this
More than you know
All is done
It is my time to go

Once again I love you
You all mean the world to me
That is why I can no longer
Exist in your memory."

My eyes find Nightwing, just as the room begins to fill with white, bright light.

'I love you. I'm sorry,' I mouth to him, before my body drops. Doctor Fate lifts me up and takes me to Midnight's prison. He places me on the floor and locks me in.

When I close my eyes I see everything changing.

It goes all the way back to my first mission. Only; I am not there.

Instead of erasing everything I have done, the spell puts 'all the replacements, in all the right places' since it is part of the chant.

I am not there to catch Conner in the Tower of Fate, but he manages to hook his hands into the wall so he does not hit the lava. 

Multiple missions the team I went on pass around me wildly in different shaped pictures. 

The mission in Bialiya where we had our memories erased; I am not there. Yet, the spell puts the bio-ship closer so that Artemis, KF and Robin can save Aqualad faster.

Only Kid Flash and Superboy are caught in solid rock when the Red's attacked. Superboy runs off to fight Wolf and the pack of Lizards alone.

Robin and Zatanna's flirting is stronger and more prominent now that Robin has no girlfriend. The failsafe mission; Wally and Robin are blown up together.

Batman finds Daphne on his own. She is much more worse for wear. Hal and John find Misty. M'gann is the one to save Garfield, not me.

I am not present in saving the Haly's Circus. I am not standing by the Team after their victory against the mind-controlled League.

Light of the Midnight: You Are My Constellation (A Nightwing Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now