Day Dream

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(Vacation)(New York )(Times square)(11:00pm)(Last year)

Kayla Pov: I can't believe roc got us lost AGAIN!! In the middle of times square. This is like the first real vacation weve had in forever n hes managed to separate us from the group.. But ya gotta love em


Roc and kay standing by an ally way bout to call summer n them



Summer:"Were yu guyz at auntie Tamar thinks yu still in tha bathroom." she says leaning over her theater seat whispering into the phone.

Roc:"Aye tell her we getting some popcorn or sumthin" he smiles holding the phone away from kay.

"Roc give me the phone.. SUMMER WE'RE-" She yells trying to snatch the phone from roc.

Summer:"Iight but yall got an hour till the movie finish" she says rolling her eyes hanging up



(Summer, Jordan,Daniel n auntie Tamar at movies)

Auntie Tamar Pov: Im glad we on this here vacation evn tho i gotta watch five teenagers.. Its all good

Jordan:"Aye summer were kay n roc" he whispers over the seat.

Summer:"They-" she pauses playing it off as she sees auntie tamar staring her down. "Gettin some mo popcorn thell be back soon" she lies brushing the hair out of her face looking back at the screen.

"Mmmhm they better be here before this movie end." she says crossing her arms n watching the movie as summer slides back around her seat


(Kay n Roc in ally way)(Times Square) (11:11)

Kayla Pov:

"Roc were are we going?" she says annoyed and confused at the same time.

Roc:" Relax kay-" he says as he gets slamed to the floor by his face.

Roc:"Run kay!" he yells as another stranger grabs her pushing her against a wall.

(New York) (Vacation) (3hrs later)(Everyone at hospital)

Roc Pov: The last thing i rember is .. Wait Kay!!

Roc thinks to himself as he rips out the iv securing him to the hospital bed

Doctor Williams: "You must be roc. Your friend is in room 34" she says as roc rushes past to see kay

Auntie Tamar Pov: Oooo when roc get up hurt or not they ALL on punishment!! Kids cant evn get popcorn without ending up in the hospital.

She thinks to her self as roc busts in rushing up to kay.

Roc:"Kayla.. Kayla.." he says grabing her hand n then checking her forehead. "What wrong with her." he says scared looking up at auntie Tamar(Auntie T).

"Roc Wht in the h** were yu doing outside of tht theater! Yu put yourself and kay in danger! Yu think yu grown-" she pauses. "Imma go talk to these nurses. See about this."She says mad as she walkes out the door.

Summer Pov: This is my fault if i just told Auntie T the truth.. Kay wouldnt be in this condition

Daniel:"Look yall know i love kay but imma go see whts up with the cafeteria." he says daping roc n hugging summer. N walking out the door.

Summer:"Roc we called the police.We found you guyz coverd with blood passed out a couple of hours ago." she says starting to cry hugging roc. "What happened to you guyz?" she cries as kay opens her eyes.

Jordan:"Aye yall kayla awake." he says pressing a button to call for the doctor.

Roc:"Kay you okay im so sorry.." he says kissing her forhead dropping a tear on her nose.

Kayla:"Who are you.?" she says horrified as a doctor rushes in.

Roc:"Doctor she doesnt rember me wht-" he gets cut off.

Doctor Williams:"She won't rember any of you for a while she has a minor case of amnesia. Sadly shes lost recollection of the last year of her life. Don't worry most-" she gets cut off

Summer:"But this is the year tht-" she gets off

Jordan:"Can't we just tell her wht happened?" he says confused

Doctor Pov:"No in these cases it is severely dangerous to inform your friend. It could make things worse" she says as daniel walks back in.

Daniel:"Aye kay your awake" he says running up smiling as summer starts crying. "Whats going on?" he pauses scared.

Roc:"She wont rember you. Or seeing me since i moved 2 years ago." he says letting go of summer and sits next to kay holding her hand. "I love You. Rember tht" he says looking her in the eyes n walking out of the room.


That was chapter 7 of my first story -------> "Don't tell em"

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