Chapter Two

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Becky And Devon's Justified Hatred:

Chapter Two:

Devon's Point Of View:

The haziness followed through my vision, twisting and distorting the images within my retains. Rubbing at my eyes with my hands, the bed beside me felt cold, as memories of last night came clearer into my mind. The phone call, my sister, everything came stumbling back through the doorway of my mind.

Becky, still most likely fast asleep, would eventually wake up, a hangover clinging overhead and an attitude to be reckoned with. Shaking my head, the ghost of a smile graced my lips, before it quickly slid away. Deep in the air, the scents of flowers and the crisp May breeze was accompanied by something a little more sinister.

Sweet, yet tangy, the scent trailed through my senses. Deep, yet evil, it swayed within the parting of my bedroom window, slowly easing its way into the fresher, stale air of my empty room. Closing my eyes, I breathed deeply, before coughing harshly, as the scent of death filled my nostrils. Constricting my lungs, it pulled at me, easing the air from within me, slowly choking me.

Leaping from the warmth of my bed, I slapped a hand over my mouth, in an act to void the smell away and backed away from the room. Hitting the middle of my back with the brass doorknob, I hissed in slight pain, before using a hand behind my back to ease the lock and slip out into the fresher air of the rooms beyond.

Heart in my throat, I swallowed nervously, my voice shaking as I yelled for my sister. "Becky!" My voice bounced off of the walls, scaring me as I eyed the Windows and shadows with great care. Without a sound answering me, I placed one foot on the old wooden steps, balancing my weight to remain as silent as humanly possible.

With a soft creak, I journeyed up the dozen or so steps, feeling the walls close in around me as the air turned colder and colder the higher I climbed. Biting my lip so hard I tasted blood, I tried to push away and ignore the sense of dread that settled deep within my stomach. Feeling ill, I leaned my back against the wall, suddenly scanning the walls for the photographs that were no longer there.

Strange, very strange. I thought to myself, my eyes coming up with an empty search. Maybe Becky took them down so she wouldn't have to see our mom. Yet the second that thought came to mind, I pushed it away. But why would Becky do that considering some were just Photos of the two of us? Not every photo hung up on the walls belonged with mom on it.

Occupying the walls, were faded shapes in the blue paint of the walls, evidence that for a long time, different things once occupied those very places on the walls. The windows were pushed shut, the wind missing in the ever quiet house I used to feel at home in. Empty vases, the flowers long dead after mom was moved to the hospital for round the clock care. Faded curtains, pushed tight, blocking out the fresh sunlight, as I relied only on the faint glow of a few lamps, and using what knowledge I had on the foundation of this house.

Walking on my toes, I tried to ignore the scent as it sat heavily in the musky stale air, hearing nothing as Becky's bedroom door eased into my view. She's fine, why am I running around the house, scared out of my mind? Why, because a strange scent greeted me? Shaking my head, I couldn't push the doubt away as it nagged at me, drawing me closer to an outcome I didn't ant to know.

Swallowing th  lump that quickly managed to gather in my throat, I stopped mere feet from her bedroom door, hearing nothing. Glancing towards the ground, a sinking feeling fell through me as my feet sloshed into a thick liquid, a deep color soaking into the carpet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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Becky And Devon's Justified Hatred - Book 2 (The Dead Awoken Inside: Season 1 -Into The City)Where stories live. Discover now