True Happiness

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Bliss: *blushes* Dang! He's so strong

( This part is for NatashaLydon, because she kept asking for it)

Twilight: *blushes* I know! He's so hot!

King Trollex: *to the Sharks* Everyone, listen to me, I know you have some troubles on trying to be happy, but believe me when I say that true happiness comes from yourselves!

The Sharks murmured at each other...

King Trollex: *to Queen Fiona* Queen Fiona, when you were on your date with Finn, what was that feeling you had inside?

Queen Fiona: Uh...being full from all the pizza?

King Trollex: No, it was happiness! You felt happiness on your own and you didn't ate a Troll

Sally (random Shark): So, you're saying that if I make something sweet and tasty for everyone to enjoy or something, then I can be happy?

King Trollex: Yes! And I don't just think it...I feel it! 🎵 This is such a perfect place
I'm glad I found this with you
Our love reflected in your face
Only heaven can beat this view🎵

Bliss: 🎵 Come on, let's run and get lost in the crowd
Into the light as the night's comin' down
I'm double-tappin', I'm focusin' now
We're focusin' now🎵

Techno Trolls: 🎵 I see love
I see love around me
From a river to a flood
I see love around me (love around me)🎵

Everyone wasn't sure what's happening, but then one Shark starts tapping his fins on the table to the beat...

Finn: *to Queen Fiona* 🎵 I love you, helped me find my heart
I didn't even know my name
Then I was blinded by the dark
My eyes will never look the same🎵

Trollex and Finn: 🎵 Come on, let's run and get lost in the crowd
Into the light as the night's comin' down
I'm double-tappin', I'm focusin' now
We're focusin' now🎵

And then all the Sharks, excepted for Dorsal joined the singing...

Everyone: 🎵 I see love
I see love around me
From a river to a flood
I see love around me (love around me)
I see love
I see love
From a river to a flood
I see love around me (love around me)🎵

But when Chef Dorsal was about to get King Trollex, she was forced to say on the pot and was shot out of the kingdom, screaming. And when she's gone, everyone went out of the kingdom with colors flashing everywhere...

Everyone: 🎵 Come on, let's run and get lost in the crowd
Into the light as the night's comin' down
I'm double-tappin', I'm focusin' now
We're focusin' now
I see love
I see love around me
From a river to a flood
I see love around me (love around me)
I see love
I see love
From a river to a flood
I see love around me
I see love🎵

Everyone cheered as they find the true happiness in their hearts. Some of the Trolls and the Sharks even hugged one another on finding new friends that used to be their frightening predators. TBDB went to Trollex all glowing and spinning around...

TBDB: *swimming around Trollex* HAHAHAHAHA!!! THAT WAS AMAZING!!! *nudged Trollex's cheek* You untied the Techno Trolls with the Sharks! That's the BIGGEST thing you could have ever done!

King Trollex: *laughing* I know! It's felt good!

TBDB: And you kept your promise and saved everyone! So basically...

Queen Marine: You were meant to be king

Trollex looked back and saw his parents smiling at him with proud. Trollex then smiled and swam towards them giving them a hug as he starts to tear up a bit

King Coral: We're so proud of you, son

Queen Marine: We knew that you will a great king. And what you did today, *wipes away the tear away from his cheek* proves that you're ready to lead

King Trollex: I know. I was scared at first that I might fail everyone, but now I see that I can protect them

King Coral: We know. And we believed in in you, since the day you became king in the first place

Trollex was about to tear up again in happiness as he hugged them again. Everyone cheered after they all parties to celebrate their friendship with the Sharks. But far away, Dorsal woke up, and noticed herself alone. But not quite...

Chef Dorsal: Huh? Ugh! Great! Just great! Now I'm even more far away from Shark Kingdom!

???: You're a Shark, huh?

Chef Dorsal: Huh? Who said that?

Then she noticed a pod of Orcas, the predators of Sharks...

Chef Dorsal: *gasped* ORCAS!!

Shannon (random Orca): That's right. And good thing you're here. Because we're hungry

Chef Dorsal: Oh? Uh...what do you guys want to eat?

Wrath (leader of the Orcas): You!

Chef Dorsal: *from the distance* AHHHHH!!!

As Chef Dorsal is having some troubles with the Orcas, the Techno Trolls and the Sharks can now live in perfect peace. Fiona and Finn got married, the Sharks sometimes joined the Techno Trolls to party in Techno Reef, and they show great friendship. Now they live in perfect balance of the two kingdoms

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