Requiem For A Welterweight

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Her eyes locked with Sweetpea's in a glare. She then pulled the pearls over her head and around her hair and dropped them into Veronica's lap.

"But I can give things back to people face to face. After all... I'm not a coward." Lexy put emphasis on that last part, considering that was what Sweetpea called her when he dumped her.

She then approached his group playing fuse ball. From about a metre away, she flipped her coin at him. He just barely managed to catch it.

"You can keep that. I'm making my own luck now."

She spun around on her heels and began to leave the room.

"Am I dreaming or do you actually seem sober?" Sweetpea said cockily from behind her. He was the one person who refused to walk on eggshells around her. "You're not smiling like a temptress or laughing every two seconds. Coming down?"

Coming down from being high. This made Lexy's blood boil.

The gargoyle only gave her a select amount of fizzle rocks. She didn't want them all to be gone by the time her next quest came around.

And Sweetpea knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to irritate her as soon as she was vulnerable.

"I'll know I'm fully down at rock bottom when I start remembering what I ever saw in you." She replied with nothing but disdain for the boy she used to say she loved.

"Andrews, you've already hit rock bottom."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm leaving."

"Oh yeah? Where are you gonna go? Back to wallow around your house, grieving the loss of your drug candy?"

He assumed the only reason she was sober was because she ran out of fizzle rocks. He was right.

"The state." Lexy announced from the doorway of the lounge. "I'm leaving the state."

And with that she left the room and the school. Truth be told, the only reason she gave Veronica's pearls back was because she wanted to get Sweetpea's attention and because she was bored. It was something to do.

Jughead turned to look at Sweetpea. "Did you really have to provoke her?"

Sweetpea shrugged him off and kept the fuse ball game going.

"Umm shouldn't somebody go after her?" Betty asked, gesturing to the door.

Archie thought about it but then shook his head. "Nah, dad has the truck so she won't get very far." Everyone nodded at Archie's reassuring words. "But I think maybe it's about time I told my dad what's going on. Because if the truck was there, she'd waste no time making her way to California."


Archie had been waiting for his dad for the past hour. He stood up from the couch when he heard Fred enter the house. He smiled at his son in the sitting room.

"Hey Arch. Sorry I missed dinner. Is Lexy here?" He asked.

"Dad, I need to talk to you about something." Archie ignored his question.

Lexy AndrewsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora