It was fairly early in the morning, so Billie didn't expect anyone to show up until later, but when she'd left her bathroom and came back into her room, Brooklyn was there, dressed to the nines in her work clothes. She had a case that morning, but she wanted to at least see Billie before she went off to work. She'd brought Billie a sketch pad and some pencils for her to pass the time. She also brought some books she thought Billie might like, although Billie didn't really read it was the thought that counts.

"Thanks for bringing me this stuff. I was starting to wonder what I could have for entertainment. Staring at my phone for hours does get boring after a while."

"No problem." Brooklyn said, "So have you seen Jellybean yet? We all wanted to, but we figured the first people who should visit her are her parents."

Billie stared out the window, "No...uh...I wanted to wait a bit."

For Brandon.

Truth was, she desperately wanted to see Jellybean. But Billie was scared. She was just so scared and she didn't want to go by herself. She didn't want to go through being a mother alone. And she didn't really know how to talk to Jellybean, what to say to her, or how to be her mother right now. Billie was a mess. She could barely take care of herself, much less a baby at the moment. Where was Brandon when she needed reassurance?

"...But I guess I'll go today." Billie said uncertainly, unsure if she had just lied or not.

"Good. NICU babies need their parent' support, so you do that as soon as possible." Brooklyn said, eyeing Billie suspiciously, "Also, you're properly eating, right? Foods that will help the healing process?"

"Yes Brooklyn." Billie rolled her eyes good naturedly, sitting back against the pillows and stilling when her motions had made a slight twinge of uncomfortable tight pressure run through her abdomen near where her stitches were. "Where would I even be able to get any junk food in this hospital?"

"I know Drew brought you some candy." Brooklyn deadpanned, "You were hiding it under your pillow."

Billie's brow rose. She thought she had hidden them impeccably well.

"How did-"

"I was hospitalized once upon a time too. I know how it works. Plus I checked while you were in the bathroom. They've been confiscated." Brooklyn's expression turned serious, "Billie, you don't know how glad I am that you and Jellybean are okay. I wish you'd told me about the C-section the day you found out though. I would have stayed at home with you, and I could have prevented the contact Christopher had with you."

"You know about that?" Billie nervously licked her lips. She had wanted to keep that a secret from everyone else because she didn't want to put them in jeopardy or have them targeted by him.

"Drew told me that my ex-husband was involved somehow in the reason why you broke up with Brandon and disappeared." Brooklyn's brown eyes darkened dangerously. "I put two and two together and figured he had blackmailed you because that's what he does. When Christopher and I seperated seven years ago, and Brandon and I moved to California, he blackmailed me too. Told me that if I did not live in the apartment he paid for and if I sought a divorce, he would take it to court for him to have full custody of Brandon to prevent me from seeing my own son. And at the time, I was less equipped to take care of Brandon on my own than him, so he probably would have won the case too."

Billie's fist clenched, her hands shaking the slightest bit at the notion of his horrible blackmailing. It reminded her of the way he had torn her down with his words, breaking down any guarded walls she put up by crushing her with words that pinpointed everything she was terrified of. He had known just what to say to ruin her and make her want to run. Even now, Billie still could feel the chills down her back from the cruel way he had addressed her, his dangerous eyes and cold words. And she wasn't sure she would forget it anytime soon.

Billie and Brandon: Unpredictable CircumstancesWhere stories live. Discover now