Chapter 3

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A baby screamed once the little tyke was yanked out of his mother.

"It's a boy!"

The baby wiggled as the nurse cleaned him up, and wrapped a yellow warm blanket around the babe, once he had on a diaper. The gurgling baby was then placed into the waiting arms of the mother. She was a beautiful woman by the name, Lianne Sinclair.

That was the name the baby heard through the strange alien language being spoken.

"Renato Sinclair, that is to be his name," the woman said in a frustrated voice, as if heavily burdened by this event. The baby opened his eyes, and she got a good look at him. " Perfect, he looks like the boss of the Crilin Famiglia. This is my leverage over him, now all that's left is to make this child survive at all costs. Johnny, you are to keep your mouth shut about his existence, tell anyone about him, and I'll have you killed for treason, understood."

"Yes milady," the nurse gulped, and sweat dripped down his face as he prepared for his lady's departure. He grabbed the baby from her, who was all too willing to give him up, and did an illusion over him, and exited the room.

To anyone but him, the babe will appear as a folded stack of blankets. He couldn't let 9 months of secrecy be exposed if he valued his life.

The baby looked up at the man with his brown eyes, that held no innocence to them if you looked close enough. But the man never gave him any attention.

'Hmm, he wears the eyes of a soldier who killed and faced death.' Renato thought as he squinted away some of the blurry baby vision, his lips pressed together, 'Perhaps this new life isn't that different from his old life.' He sighed in exhaustion, thankfully the guy didn't hear.

The babe felt a quenching thirst for some water. When Hashirama was dying, he remembers rejecting any form of liquid or food. The thought of eating anything when you always felt like throwing up made him even sicker.

Day by day, his body mass withered away until he was nothing but skin and bones. It pained him when his brother, wife, and child saw him like that down to his last breath. 

Out of his control, his baby self started to fuss up at the thought until he was beginning to cry. This obviously panicked the man holding him, who picked up the pace down the long hallway. 

His mistress' secrecy was in jeopardy!

Johnny ran into the first door he passed by, luckily it was a bathroom. He placed the crying baby on the counter with a bit of relief. He untied the wrapped blanket and checked the diaper, it was clean. So then the baby must be hungry, right?

Johnny ran out of the room and closed it behind him...the baby left crying on the counter...


A small, petite, blonde woman walked down the hallway with a box that reads 'Bathroom Cleaning Supplies' in her arms. She opened the bathroom door, and the baby quieted down to sniffles, as he stared at the new blurry mass.

The girl walked past him and sat down the box in her hands, right below where he was. Renato listened to the girl open the cabinets, and the soft thumps indicated she was placing things inside. She did this for 5 minutes, before moving to place soaps near the bathtub.

Then once she was finished with that, she placed the remaining things in the box onto the counter. She still didn't notice him on the counter. 'Are you serious? How low is her awareness? It's not like he was hidden, he was in the middle of the counter.'

Renato wanted her attention, so he was gonna get it.

He flailed his arms and legs, and when that didn't work, he tried rolling, a big brain idea. 

Oops, he rolled off the counter into the box filled with fluffy stuff, he totally meant to do that... The girl reached down and reclosed the box, conveniently leaving a flap loose. He got a good look at her vacant eyes that didn't reach reality.

She carried the box and left the bathroom, and went downstairs to her truck outside. Donte's Consegna printed on the side of the truck. She tossed the box in the back and put up the truck barrier, to keep things from flying out.

She sat in the driver's seat and checked the mirror before pulling out of the driveway. At the same time, this was happening. Johnny returned to the bathroom with a warm container of milk and an empty baby bottle hasty stuffed into his coat.

Only to find no baby on the counter...

A scream of panic was heard in the mansion.

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