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I haven't heard anything about Ming for three weeks.
He ran to his parents' house and since there, nothingness itself.
I called him, message, chatted, without luck.  Even on his home phone there is no answer.

I am very worry about him and what could have happened in his family.  Also by the faculty.

I miss him too much.  Since we met we were inseparable.

I really want to cry, and sometimes my chest hurts.  But, I'm enduring it.

I have met Phana several times.  After things cleared up between us, he has become a great friend.  He has lunch with me, and it comforts me a lot.

Today it rains.
I get up and prepare to go study, almost mechanically.

The scent of wet earth fills my nose, making me sneeze.

In classes, I write down what they say, but I don't assimilate anything.  I'm a fool, a zombie.
Almost at lunch, not like.  Stomach aches haunt me again.  I fed me to take the medicine and it hurts a little less.

I get to the room, worse than I left.  I take a quick shower and lie down.

It rains torrentially.  The curtain on the window moves incessantly.

Now is when I miss him the most.  He, sitting next to me, anywhere, doing nothing.  His hands, long and thin.  Their hugs.  How it comforts me.
My lips tickle waiting for his kisses.

-Aish! - I hit the bed frustrated, and I throw a two-year-old baby's tantrum.- When are you going back ?!  When?

I fall asleep hugging the pillow.

I looked at the clock.  4:00 am.
Someone knocks on the door insistently.
I get up as I can, almost crawling.  I open it and ...
Ming is there.  Made a wet chick.  Soaked, continuous drops falling from his hair and clothes.
I am in shock.

- Can I sleep here?  I'm very tired- he asks.

Without thinking twice, I take refuge in his wet but warm arms.  Being heavily paid when they wrap me up.
My tears, contained for so long, fall melting into his body.

Distraught and happy, he let me out on him.

In Our Friendship's Silence Where stories live. Discover now