Decision moment

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For a moment, he thought was  happened the last night was a dream.
But when Wayo whispered "as cute as ever" in her ear, he no longer doubted it.  Now it only remained to conquer it.
His heart was jumping like crazy, he couldn't stop looking at him.

While going to the bathroom.
While preparing breakfast.
While having breakfast with him.

Wayo was uncomfortable.
- Very good- he thought.- I  won't  give you a break 'Yo.  Until you are mine I won't rest.

- What's up Ming?  Did I do something weird last night?
-No, Why?-.  Then he thought- If you knew ...
- You keep looking at me.

The oldest wanted to yell at him, I like you, I like you, but he said:
- Were you always so cute?
Wayo was surprised but answered quickly.
- Always.  It is impossible that you don't noticed.
- Now I notice it.  And think - and you notice me.

He amused himself with the boy's confused face.


At noon they said goodbye.

Ming was visiting his family over the weekend, and Wayo had to focus on his studies.

They met again on Monday.
The older one picked him up, with his favorite breakfast.
'Yo greet you very happy.
- Thanks, Minmin.  So it is nice to start on Monday.
-Whatever it is for me, prince-  he said, bowing.

Wayo looked at him with a raised eyebrow, then laughed.
- Of course.


The following days, Ming spent as much time with Wayo as possible.
He looked for it in the morning and in the afternoon.
They had lunch.  They dined.  They went out to the movies, or to shop.
He spoiled him with small gifts.  Helped him with his homework.
He sent him good night messages, good morning.  -How are you, where are you?
Aside from wanting to conquer him, his Yoyo's instinct for protection had increased.

He was texting Wayo from the food court when someone spoke to him.
- Hello Mingkwan.
He raised his head recognizing the voice.  Phana.
- Hello Doctor.
- Can we talk?
- We are already talking- he answered looking at him suspiciously.
Phana grimaced, and continued.
- You know, I think  gave Wayo enough time.

Ming looked up.  His brow furrowed.  Now, yes, his attention had been captured.
Phana continued.
- I'm going to go after Wayo.  I hope you don't mind.  Or do you have something to say?

Ming smiled inside and thought.
-  Do what you want, Wayo only sees me.
Then he spoke.
- What would you have to say?  You can do as you please.
- Are you sure? - He said as he got up. - Okay, I just wanted to clarify that doubt.  See you.
- Yes, yes  , bye.  He dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

He saw him go.  He would have to hurry.
He wasn't afraid.
But he already had to confess.  Too much he was holding back the urge to hug him, to kiss him properly.

He didn't want to continue being his friend.

In Our Friendship's Silence Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora