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Wayo turned and saw him.  Ming was staring at him with a flushed face.
-Hey, ming! - Wayo called him waving his hand.- Ming !, Ming!  I'm here!-

The major reacted and approached.
-Hello, you waited a lot.
-Not that much.  Do we order?
They went to buy and sat down again.

Wayo noticed the other weirdo.
-What's wrong with you Ming?  You're  a little distracted.
-Nothing, nothing.- He denied and kept chewing on his hamburger, although Wayo realized that it wasn't true.

He also hides something.  What is going on with our friendship?
-'Yo, there is something I want to talk about.  Is something wrong with Phana?
- What?  How did you notice?  Oh Buddha, what do I do? - His head was a mess of questions.
-I don't know what you are talking about.
-When are you going to confess?
- Again with the same thing ? It seems that you are obsessed.  We already talked about this. -With each word he trembled and became more angry.
- Seriously Wayo, it's time to face it, or move on.
-I'm fine like that, just seeing him. I am satisfied.
'Yo hated lying to him, but preferred to get angry, to face the truth.
-You have been watching him for six years, don't you want anything else?  Why are you not a bit ambitious?  You deserve to be happy.
-It seems to bother you.  If you need more time to date your girlfriends, don't see me as an obstacle.  I leave you free, look no further.
- But 'Yo. I didn't mean that- Ming couldn't calm him down.
-I  don't want to talk any more!
Wayo got up and the other took him by the arm.
-Wait, let's talk.  Don't go like this.
- Let me.  I have to do something-.
He pulled to release Ming's grip, and ran away.
Ming got up, but didn't follow.
-What did I do ?-.  He took his head, and collapsed again in the seat.


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