I wouldn't take anything back because what I have now is more than I could of ever dreamed of.  Speaking of my happy life, Adam's car just pulled up out front.

        "Have a good day Miranda" i waved to the lady at the front desk as I waked out. I smiled as I saw Adam standing by the door holding it open for me. Teasing him I gave him as tiny bow while hopping in.

        "How was work lovely" He turned the radio down as we both buckled out seat belts. "It was great the designs are almost finishing, the show is happening in 3 weeks. Everything is going  better than planned."

        "That's great to hear, really. How about we celebrate I make you and baby Darcy some dinner yeah" His large hand wrapped mine as my smile grew.

        "That sounds absolutely lovely right now." Could he get any more perfect. He pulled out of the office and began to drive back to my apartment. He insists on driving me to work because he will take any minute of time he can get.

        How did I get so lucky honestly, getting a guy who cares so much about me and the baby. Most men would bolt after finding out I had a child, he was different. I hate thinking he is taking Harry's place, but in some ways he is. Harry left end of story..

        "How does steak and greens sounds" I turned my head to face him. A satisfied smile grew on my face as i gave his hand a squeeze. "Sounds lovely."

        I think we will be ok without Harry.


Harrys POV

        "Thank you" Liam shouted into the microphone as we all ran off stage. The screams grew fainter as we reached the dressing rooms. I grabbed a water bottle and nearly chugged the whole thing down. then I grabbed a towel and jumped onto the couch. I wiped the sweat off my forehead as i scrolled through my tweets.

        "That show was smashing" Louis cheered as he entered the dressing room. "Was that a blown up condom being passed around" Niall bursted out into laughter.

        "At least you didn't touch it" I screamed back not looking up from my phone. These girls do the weirdest things I swear. Like blowing up a condom.. but I love them anyways.

        They support us through everything, the are the best supporters. My phone went off as the caller ID showed up. My finger hovered over deny, but I decided to accept.

        "Hey baby" Her squeaky voice cooed into the phone causing my nose to scrunch.

        "Kendall" I curtly responded. I walked into the other room mostly due to the shouts of the boys while they played fifa.

        "I heard you guys have a break, how does vacationing in Hawaii sound." It sounds absolutely horrible.

        "I am going home for break there is some things I need to do" I shortly responded causing her to huff in annoyance.

        "But Harry" She whined causing me to pull the phone away.

        "Bye Kendall" I hung up without letting her answer. I miss Tiffany so much. Its her birthday tomorrow, she most likely thinks I forgot. Well no shit dumb ass you forgot about both of them, I mentally added.

        I want more than anything to be with her and Darcy, spending time with them. Coloring with Darcy and we aimlessly scribble in the lines. Or make cookies with Tiff as we sprinkle flour on each others head, leading to a baking fight,

        Or falling asleep at night holding her perfect body, the smell of her hair filling my nose. Going to sleep and waking up to the most beautiful girl in the world. Holding her hand which fits perfectly in mind. Holding Darcy as she tugs on my curls.

        Its all managements fault separating me from the girl I love and my daughter, The world can be cruel. The top of the cake is then put me with Kendall Jenner. Everyone hates her its all on twitter. Its supposed to help popularity, but people cant stand it.

        Every now in then I see a picture of me and Tiff on twitter. The fans found our old childhood pictures. Every now and then I look at them and think if things were different. Like if I never tried out for X factor or we never had that intimate night.

        I wouldn't change that ever, Darcy is the best thing that's happened to me. Even though I missed out on her life, and got taken away from her. She has half my heart in the palm of her hand. Tiffany has the other half without even knowing it..

        All i know is I am going to surprise Tiffany on her birthday tomorrow. Management can't run my life. I don't care if everything is gone, all I need is my 4 best friends and my 2 worlds. I am willing to shout from the rooftops that I love Tiffany and my daughter.

        This whole thing is over and soon I will have my babies back.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. With new years and christmas everthing has been crazy. I got my braces off and I have school in 2 days. Fun times yeah. Hope you are all liking the book. I hope I am not rushing to fast..


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