Sortie the Sorting Hat

Start from the beginning

Percy hummed lightly, his eyes going several degrees colder, hidden by the brim of the hat.

Percy: You really, really don't want to see my memories.

Percy sent a thought to the hat, communicating through telepathy as the hat did.

Sorting Hat: I've heard that before, just show me your memories.

"Nico, Jason the hat wants to see my memories, I think I might ruin it if I agree." Percy said in Greek.

"Just let it see your memories, it has seen many minds, it shouldn't have any long term negative affects...probably." It's Snape who answers in fluent Greek.

"Right, I'll let it see, but you're forgetting Jason and Nico must also show the hat their memories, so it might be really long term, like lifelong...hey Nico can hats die, do their souls go to the underworld?" Percy asks with all seriousness.

Sorting Hat: Kid, I understand Greek, just what are you asking?

Percy: Never mind, just a warning, skim the most recent memories, which means after I turn twelve you should just not view my memories or possible insanity can occur.

Sorting Hat: You're still sane kid, I'll be fine.

"I'll ask my dad if clothing has souls later Percy." Nico says with a laugh.

"Stop talking in your secret language!" Harry yells. "Why's the sorting taking so long?!"

"Mm, sorry, the hat's being courteous and asking to view my memories...we're having a heart to heart about hats dying and insanity." Percy responds absentmindedly, letting his mental barriers fall. The sorting hat begins going through his memories, having a chat with Percy as he goes through the memories.

Sorting Hat: Oh, your stepfather is really no good, abused but you still treat your mother fine, good Hufflepuff material there.

Percy: Can you just go through my memories silently?

Sorting Hat: Blew up your school bus, mm, it was an accident, but really did you have to go touching cannons? Maybe you have a bit of the Ravenclaws curiosity, just lacking in the brains section.

Percy: Offended by a life sucks, hey sortie are you almost done?

Sorting Hat: Don't call me sortie, and I've only bothered to go through your first couple years, oh a class swim how fun, mm, staring contest with a shark, Gryffindor attitude there...did that shark just wave??? Wow, you have a horrible math teacher, she really hates you, oh she just tried to kill you...she's a fury?! You lived...

The hat went silent, every now and then muttering one of the four house names.

Percy: Hey sortie stop, don't look at more memories, you're going too deep, you'll see things that aren't good.

Percy worriedly started tapping his foot to the ground, wondering if throwing the sorting hat off his head and into the trash is considered rude. An ear-piercing scream suddenly sounds, both in Percy's mind and aloud. Percy winces feeling the sorting hat go still on his head, the scream ending.

Percy: Sortie you okay, what did you see?

Percy: Sortie...

Percy: Did you die?

Percy: Um...I feel weird talking to myself or thinking to myself without any weird voices in my head answering back.

Percy: So, is the silence agreement that you died?

Percy: I can't see with you covering my eyes, but I'm pretty sure the others are starting to worry.

Percy: You've seen enough right? This is the point where you say which house I'm in.

Percy: ...and I'm talking to myself...Sortie, you really need to work on your social skills. I've got some tips for you, first don't view others memories as a way of greeting it's not cool. Second, Sortie is a good nickname, you'll make more friends if you stop being so serious. Third, you should consider getting a body, no offense but I feel like I'm just talking to myself, which I might actually be talking to myself, or maybe you're just playing the silent game. Oh, I know let's play the silent game!




Percy: Sortie, I'm bored, say something! Are you dead?

Percy: Sortie's dead?!

Percy: I didn't do it!

Author: Sorry about how long it took to write this chapter, I love all of you who read it, and especially those who comment or starred! Enjoy the chapter, last chance to say which house you want the three in. Next chapter I'll be announcing the house they're in!

Gryffindor: Percy - 4 votes, Jason - 6 votes, Nico - 4 votes

Hufflepuff: Percy - 7 votes, Jason - 2 vote, Nico - 2 vote

Slytherin: Percy - 2 votes, Jason - 0 votes, Nico - 1 vote

Ravenclaw: Percy - 1 vote, Jason - 1 vote, Nico - 1 vote

Fifth House: 1 vote (If you vote for a fifth house, give me the name you want it to be called) Possible Names: Firefox - 1 vote, Phoenix - 2 votes, Halfblood - 1 vote

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