No new friends

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The next day I got up at 5:00 to wake up the kids for school, Daquan was already up so I went to wake Tashana. I walked in her room and it was a mess, toys was everywhere "Dammit, I'm going to have to clean up today before she have company" I mumbled "Tashana baby wake up" I said shaking her a little she groaned rolling over 'I'm up" she said getting up before stepping on a toy then she was fully awoke I giggled "Now you see why I tell you to keep your room clean child" I said going to get her some clothes while she went to brush her teeth and wash her face "you take a bath last night?" I asked her getting her out a pair of black levis her Nike shirt that came with her KD's rugrats and her KD's. "Yes" she said washing her face. I nodded setting her clothes out leaving going back into my room. I let Tey sleep and I went inside the bathroom taking a shower and putting on some sweats and a hoodie with my Nikes. I went downstairs and packed Tashana a lunch and reached in my purse putting a dollar in their for snack. She came running down the stairs "I'm ready mommy she said hugging me "awl baby you look cute today let me go do your hair" I said smiling walking upstairs with her inside of my bathroom. I grabbed the Jam and the hairbrush wetting the brush and brushing the jam in her hair into a ponytail. After we finished I grabbed my keys and purse and gave Tashana her lunch box and we left because Daquan always catch the bus. As we were driving I noticed a silver car following us. "Baby put your seat belt on, put on a movie and put the headphones in," I said grabbing my gun. When I seen she had the headphones in I put my silencer on and sped up a little, I put my gun through the crack of my window and fired five times before taking off losing them. I hurriedly dropped Tashana off at school and told the people to not let anybody pick her up but Tey and I. I hurried up and got home putting my car inside of the Garage and locked up everything. Daquan had already caught the bus to school so it was just Tey and I. I stripped out of my clothes and snuggled under Tey going back to sleep.


I did the same thing I did everyday, go to school grab all my work for my classes and went with my gang. I'm not in a gang because I'm bad its because my REAL DAD told me that all niggas that grow up in the ghetto supposed to be in a gang supporting where they from, and also because I wanted revenge on the niggas that killed him, it was never a hate thing when I was in a gang because I was a laid back person, it started getting intense when I actually seen all the people I hang around with doing the same shit, slanging theses corners and coming home with way more money than my ma was getting. I got in the back of my homey truck with some other members of FYWTO; we blasted music and smoked a blunt... or two. When we pulled up to the trap house we got out going in sitting at the round table discussing the next connect that boss had us assigned to do. "Aye what about that hoe Tiffany you fucking with son" a senior from my school asked "She trying to act all shy but what she don't know is I already know she a hoe why she trying to be my main bitch" I said nonchalantly. They laughed and we passed another blunt before making our normal rounds 'on the block'. I got my book bag and swung it over my shoulder standing by my homeboy Rock "Aye man you ever think about stop slanging?" he asked me I shook my head nah " Nah I mean I never really gave to much thought cause my mind not all that deep in it" I said giving some weed to this nigga through a handshake "Man my pops found out and he flipped saying its going to get me killer or Imma end up in jail with my uncle" he said with a annoyed look on his face "well shit they don't buy you a damn thing so you might as well" I said "You right Patna see that's why I fucks with you because you keep it real" he said slapping my neck playfully I pushed his ass "Aye nigga don't be doing that shit" I laughed. The other big time seller were passing by, they looked at us and I acted like my hands were cold putting my hands in my pocket and when they walked up one of him got Rock and the other came to me. I gave him dap and did the shake and put my hands back in my pocket releasing my drug money.


After school ended me and Trell was riding home together because he was going to meet the family today, "hey my dad said that I couldn't have boyfriends and that we could be friends" I said smiling he smiled to "Ok Tashana, is that your ma right there" he asked pointing, I nodded getting up and ma stepped out the car smiling. "Hey Trell I'm Tashana's mom" she said opening the door for us he said hey and she shut the door going to the other side of the car about to get in until something caught her attention. "Ma is everything okay?" I asked playing with my cabbage patch kid I left in the car when we had went to Six Flags, she nodded getting in. "Seatbelts" she said before pulling off.


I was at home making sure the food she had cooked didn't burn while she went to go pick up Tashana and her little friend. "I'm home" her voice echoed as I heard the beeper to the front door go off and the door shut "finally" I mumbled "Daquan!" I yelled he came down stairs in some basketball shorts and a t-shirt on the phone with I guessing some girl but the call looked like it had to be about something important. We all sat at the table and I sat at one end of the table Monique sat at the other end while the boys sat on one side and Tashana sat on the other side. "So Trell tell us a little something about yourself" Monique said trying to act proper knowing damn well she ghetto as fuck. "Well I'm a junior, my dad is a senior, I live with both my parents, I love football, I go to Tashana school, and I'm allergic to green beans" he said smiling Tashana giggled, she want an ass whooping. During dinner there was a loud knock at the door, Monique and me looked at each other. I got up and looked through the peephole but I didn't see nothing "Umm how about you go show Trell your room" I said looking at them Daquan looked like he already knew what was going on and he did something I never knew he could do, this nigga pulled out a gun. I looked at Monique "Ill deal with that later" I said me and Monique pulled ours out and we squadded up in front of the door opening it quickly going outside with our guns up ready to blast. We heard the screech of tires and we all turned towards the sound but only seeing taillights. We tucked our guns back up and walked back in the house locking the doors. When we started taking dishes to the kitchen there was another knock, and yet again we pulled back out guns. I walked to the door looking out the peephole seeing a nigga. I waved Monique off and we put up our guns. I opened the door and he smiled "Trell" was all he said. "Tashana an Trell" Monique called; we put a smile on our face as he ran up to who I'm guessing is his father. "Hey daddy" he said hugging him "What's up son ready to go?" he asked "NO, but I know we got to" he said giggling we laughed "Bye Tashana, Bye Ms. Monique, By Mr. Tey and Bye Daquan!" he yelled walking off we said bye in unison but I didn't hear proper ass Monique say anything. I turned around and everybody was looking at her "What's wrong?" I asked "That's the same car that was following me earlier" she said...

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