Meetig the family

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February 4, 2013 Monday

i woke up and got Tashanas clothes together and woke her up. She went in the bathroom and hooped on top of her stool and started brushing her teeth, I followed behind her and did the same thing. One thing you can tell about Tashana is she know her rules, regulations, and manners.

Tashana - "Ma?"

astonished I looked at Tashana and said

Me - "yes?" she looked me deep in my eyes and

Tashana - "I love you."

I got teary eyed

Me - "I love you to!" and hugged her. I have never had my godchildren even call me mama, this was my happiest moment in my life. I just thought that I need to do my best to get her. Me and Tashana put on our clothes and picked us up a breakfast burrito, and got on the expressway to her grandmother house that stayon Moreland, on our way there I let Tashana sit in the front seat with me, because I knew that she was going to be safe in the front seat with me because I be careful how I drive. As we pulled up to her house I got out the car and walked over to Tashana door and opened the door and helped her out. I stepped on the porch and rung the door bell and hugged Tashana close to me.

Mama San - "Hey baby!"

Me - "Hey Mama this is Tashana I'm trying to get custody of her."

Grandma San - "Hey baby!"

Tashana - "Hey grandma."

Grandma San - "How old are you?" she motioned us in the house.

Tashana - "7"

Grandma San - "ooo you becoming to be a big girl." She grinned and rubbed her head.

Grandma San - "Kiara!" she screamed.

Kiara - "Mam!"

Grandma San - "Come downstairs and meet your cousin."

Kiara - "Auntie!"

Me - "Hey Baby, this is your new cousin Tashana."

Kiara - "Hey!"

Tashana - "Hi

Kiara - Come on Lets Let Them Talk


Im tey , 6'1 ,21 Dark skinned , Dimples , Fine Ass hell , Thug , and i have been dating 4 years, and1 month going on two . her name is monique , thick as hell , fine , lightskinned , 5'3 my short ma , i havent talked to her in 2 days i know she aint cheating on me , i dont think she'l cheat , just not that type of girl . so imma call her

babe ! - Hey Bae !

me - Watsup ma where ya been

(she told me the story )

me - i hope that dont stop us from having our little family , and affect our relationship

babe ! - awwl baby it wont ! but why you just didnt come by my house

* in the back ground *

Babe ! - I Gotta Go , im at my mama house , but come by later , imma need some company !

me - damn right i am , and ok love you ma

Babe ! - love ya to , Bye !


i knew she wasnt cheating , but im looking forward to tonight ! Aye yall , il be back later , going over my girl house

Terell - so you not going to that hoe party

Me - hell naw , i gotta girl

Terell & Dee Man - Hell naw , he in love

( laughing )

Me - Hell yea , but bye , i am leaving , and lock my mf house up when you leave , and my room off limits

Dee Man - Man Chill , we going to lock the house up , aint nobody going to in your room

Me - better not !

i walked out the door and headed over my baby house .

Tashana POV

me and my cousin kiara , went upstairs , and talked about fun times in our lives , i ddnt have none at all , so i really didnt say nothing , i like my cousin kiara , she nice , even though she 15 , she nice , so she did my hair , in this really pretty bun , and , curled my bang , after the night my new mama found me , she took down my hair , and washed it , i really liked my hair , it was natural , and curly , but kiara know how to fix hair .

Kiara POV

i really like my new cousin , i know she would want me to go with her , so i am going to ask my auntee , if i could go with her, and get to know Tashana a little bit better , and she not shy for her first time meeting me , any way im 15 , no boyfriend 5'2 , and light skinned . i am in high school , got 2 bestfriends Deon , and synasia , i think i will go with deon , he is really fine , and i know he my bestfriends , but we had make out moments , dont get me wrong im still a virgin .

Monique POV

i Heard my mom call me in their with her while i was on the phone with Tey , that is my baby , and we will forever rock , i think he do slick shit behind my back , but im ot that sure about him cheating . i walked in their with my mom, and she was sitting on the couch smiling at me , so i decided to tell her what happened with Tashana .

Ma - So tell me the story

* Telling The Story *

Ma - i am so proud of you monique Nicole Jackson

Me - I am to ma , i hust hope i win custody

Ma - I hope you do to sweety , well you should get going , i know you are expecting company

exactly when she said that kiara and Tashana came down the stairs .

Kiara - Auntee , can i go with auntee .

i looked down in her hand , and she already had her bag packed, it dont matter to me , ask grandma

Ma - Gone child , dont miss more than 3 days of school , ok

Kiara - ok , ans start answering the phone

she had an iphone 4s , i had the 5 , i was thinking about getting her the galaxy for her birthday , she gonna like it .

Me - Ok , lets get going

we left out the house and started heading back too the house , they sat in the back , getting to know eachother , and showing eachother how to work the phines , while i turnt up the music and started rapping to memories back then .


Im feeling the book , comment and tll me what you think , and inboxx me , and give me some ideas !

Love my readers !


i might update later on tonight , or early in the morning <3

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