~The Beginning ~

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"I accept your terms mortal, but in return, I must gain something," said Gundam, in a monotone voice. as if he hadn't just become someone's unofficial boyfirend.

" I knew you'd say- Wait you said yes" Kazuichi was ecstatic. Practically jumping up and down, minus the jumping.

Gundam simply agreed. Kazuichi was surprised. But he was also extremely happy. He technically asked out his crush and he technically said yes. Kazuichi was also out of the situation he put himself in. well, kind of. The boys simply had to act like they liked each other. It was easy for Kazuichi. He just had to fulfill his dreams. Souda and the boy he was head over heels for would be dating for at least 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS Kazuichi thought. And all Gundham wanted was one thing in return. This was fishy. very fishy.


I can't believe it. I'm "dating" the boy of my dreams. It doesn't matter if it's fake it still feels great. Even if it sounds sad there is no need to worry if Gundham doesn't return the feelings he is a huge theater nerd so acting is right up his ally. That's one of the many things Kazuichi enjoyed about Gundham. He also loves his passion for animals and his lightning thing and his deep voice and his. Wait, we have to make this believable. Gundam and I would have to spend more time on the topic later. speaking of which I should get his phone number." Hey Gundham can I get your number? Just so we can contact each other yah know ."

"Sure thing my Dark King. Its ***-***-****" Gundam responded almost as he expected me to say that. But the sudden nickname made me smile a little bit

"T-thanks. I uh I guess we have to make this believable. Yah know so they think we are legit."

"And what exactly are you implying.?" Gundam asked

"Maybe we could hold hands," I asked. It took a few seconds for Gundham to think of a response

"I see if we must," He sighed, reaching for my hand. When he grabbed my hands I squealed a little bit.

"Gundham we should probably hurry to class". We had about a minute which was enough time to make it but sadly we had to unwind our hands.

Here goes nothing

They walked into the classroom just before the bell rang. They got the stares for every kid in their class. Not only were they almost late but they were holding hands. The classroom that was once so quiet you could hear a pin drop began to fill with whispers and dollar exchanges. The teacher settled it down and the kids went to their seats and everything went back to normal. But now that Kazuichi was dating Gundham he couldn't dream about that anymore. HE thought he could spend his time coming up with what he believed to be a foolproof plan. He would have to introduce him to his family and they would have to go on dates. The thought made him happy but this acting thing was a lot more than Kazuichi let on. Gundam might be a tad bit surprised by the amount of dedication he would have to put into this act. But Kazuichi couldn't complain.

Hope you enjoyed chapter 2

 just realized I spelled Gundham wrong in the first chapter

*slaps face* yeah anyway I forgot to mention this is my first fanfiction

Bye rats. 

~~~537 words~~~ 

also if you want longer chapter just tell me 

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