Chapter fifteen

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Two weeks later- the wedding day

( Because nothing would happend and it would be boring and i need my bughead hot stuff drugs )

Jugheads P.O.V.

Today is the day. I am finally gonna see Betty after two weeks!!! And i am also getting married but whatever!! We been texting and calling everyday but it wasn't the same. The Ghoulies didn't do anything. I am quite nervous about that but that doesn't matter to me. The only thing that matters to me now is Betty.

When i woke up it was 8:00. Five hours till i see her. FIVE!! I got downstairs and saw everyone else at the table.

Sp: And here is the groom!!!!

J: Good morning to you too, boys.

F: Are you excited??

J: Of course i am!! I will finally see her!!!!

Ar: Oh, so you aren't excited about the stuff that's gonna happend after😏😏😏?

J: Arch seriously??

Ar: What?!?! It should be the most excited part of the night dude!

J: Dude you are disguasting.

Sp: Come Jug we all know it's gonna happend so be honest with us!!

Then i heard a voice behind us.

A: Wow, what an interesting conversation you have here guys.

I turned around and saw Anna. She was wearing a yellow dress with a flowers. She had her hair in a high ponytail.

J: An?

A: Hi Jug.

Then Vojta jumped from the table and run towards her.

Vo: Anna!!!!

A: Vojta!!!!!

They then hugged eachother. It was a long hug.

A: I missed you so much!!!!!

Vo: Me too, you have no idea!!!!

J: Okay, is Betty here?

A: She is but you are not gonna see her!!

J: Why?

A: Groom can't see the bride before the wedding.

J: I hate you!!!!

A: I love you too.

She said and gave me kiss on a cheek.

A: Be careful or it gets up.

She said pointing to my crotch still looking to my eyes.

Boys started to laugh hystericly. Archie even fell from the chair.

A: Anyway, i have to get dressed. Bye!

Boys: Bye!

She then wawed at Vojta and left.

After the boys calmed down a bit dad said.

FP: Okay Vojta what is going on between you and Anna?

Vo: Nothing, we are just really good friends.

F: Yeah, sure.

Sp: Yeah.

We then talked a bit about the security and then went to get dressed. Only two hours before i'll see her.

Bettys P.O.V.

Toni waked me up at seven o'clock. We ate breakfast and drive home. I fall asleep while we were driving there. I wake up in room i slept before i moved in to Jugs room. All the girls and Kevin were talking. Well i didn't see Anna. Until she came through the doors.

Bughead-royal marriage Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora