Tsubaki looked at him confused in silence before she exclaimed. "Are you one of the zodiacs?"

This made the boy looked towards he in shocked since the fact that the people of the 12 zodiacs transformed was kept a secret even among Sohma family members.

His eyes then widened in recognition. She looked almost identical to the Sohma head. "Are you Tsubaki-San?"

"Yup!" She smiled. "I guess you know since I look like my father a lot. Isn't my hair pretty just like my father?" She twirled around making her long hair dance in the wind.

Before the boy could even respond she stopped twirling and then pointed toward him. "Now let me guess which one of the zodiacs you are ..... Can you say you're name first?"

The boy smiled a bit. "My name is Hatori."

"Aha!" She brought her hands together. "Since you have the word tori -bird- in your name you must be the bird!"

"You're wrong." Hatori laughed at how she confidently shouted the wrong answer. "I'm the dragon..."

"Hehh..." She said. "I though the one with the dragon's spirit would be quite fierce but you look so gentle..." Tsubaki continued.

She then put on a gentle smile. "Now do you want to talk about why you're sad?" She said.

Ah...So you were trying to cheer me up before you asked what was bothering me... Hatori smiled. "I...I was just wondering what it feels like to be normal."

Tsubaki stayed quiet making Hatori continue. "My parents sometimes look at me like I'm a monster even though I go towards them to seek comfort...I can't make much friends due to the restrictions and fear that I would accidentally transform myself... Sometimes I just want to be consoled and be treated as a normal child. A child who goes and play around with his friends and when the child reaches home his parents will welcome him with a smile..."

Hatori looks at Tsubaki, eyes slightly glazed with tears. "I want be a normal human...I want to be happy without being bound by this curse."

Tsubaki suddenly stood up and walked in front of Hatori. "I'll be hugging you."

"Eh? But then I'll-" Before Hatori could even finish his sentence, arms wrapped around him. One hand went towards his head and slowly pulled him closer.

" I'll be your friend Hatori. Even though it's just me for now I'll be your friend. One friend is still a great start!"

"Happiness doesn't need to be acceptance from others. Happiness can be from the smallest things. How a small puppy jumps wanting to play with you can be happiness, when you don't study for a test yet you get high Mark's...and in my case when my hair is combed by my mother. Affection from my mother is rare after all.. Hehe but of course happiness is different for different people."

She brought her lips to a gentle smile. "And if you still feel sad, I'll be there like right now to console you. If that can give you the tiniest bit of happiness it would be an honor and in turn would make me happy"

The pair stood in silence for a bit, basking in each other comfort, before Hatori took a step back and Tsubaki let go of the hug.

"You're part of the zodiac as well?" Hatori asked.

"Hm...I don't know if I belong with you guys." She brought your hands on your face, tilting a bit in confusion. "Our god isn't born yet but when he is, I am the one who will be serving him."

Hatori's eyes widened a bit in realization.

"Some say that this curse of mine is the lightest or weakest since I don't transform." Tsubaki smiled sadly as she brought her hands on her chest.

金継ぎ | KIN-TSUGI [ A Fruits Basket Fanfiction ]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum