𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 13

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                                 Saturday 1st, 1:00 𝑜'𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑘

          The morning was very peaceful, me and Kelvin decided to get coffee before our visit with Jacobe. The doctors said that he will be able to visit us at home real soon, if things keep going well he will soon be back home with us. "Thank you." I said as I grabbed my coffee from Kelvin, he gave me my creamer and sugars and sat down.
        "So about last night..."

"What about it?"

          "You don't think it complicated somethings Kelvin?"

"I do but I'm not worried about it."

           "Well I am, life is a mess right now Kelvin." I said stirring my coffee. 

"You worry to much." He chuckled

               "Well you don't worry enough."

"Calm down, you acting like what we doing is against the law."

"In the eyes of god it is....maybe....at least I think it is."

"Just live in the moment Max." He said as he took my hand in his and kissed it. I sighed, he was right I guess. Time for me to loosen up a bit


"Mommy, my doctor said that I've been doing really good." He said smiling at me, "that's good baby." I said as I braided his hair, he had a good length of hair.
"So mommy what happened yesterday? Did you and uncle Kelvin go on y'all date?" He asked.

"Yes we did." I smiled
"It must of been fun, your in a great mood." You can say that again, flashes of last night clouded my mind.
"Did you hear me mommy?" He asked. "No baby, what did you say?"

"Is uncle Kelvin going to be my new daddy?" He asked. "Umm no baby, how would you think that?"
"Well my dad doesn't even act like a dad, he won't even come see me. I just thought that you finally had someone to make you happy, to make US happy." He frowned. I finished braiding his hair and turned him around.

"Baby please trust and believe me, mommy is happy. And I want you to know that your father loves you very much, he just deals with certain situations a certain way. But through it all, all he got is love for you, do you understand me baby?" I asked him looking him in the eyes.
"Yes mommy, I understand." He said tilting his head down. I held his chin and lifted his head back up. "But if there's one man that will always be there to listen to your cry's, who is it?" I asked. "God." He said and I nodded my head and pulled him into a hug, "I love you so much little man."

"I love you more mommy."


"Jacobe asked if you were his new daddy." I said. "Did you tell him yes?" He asked looking at me, I furrowed my brows. "No, why would I?" I asked and he just shrugged his shoulders. "What? You want to be?" He didn't say anything, he just stayed quiet. I shook my head and he changed the subject. "Imma go get some soap." He said running off to the other ail.
He was a strange man, I continued to walk around the store picking up little stuff that I needed. "Excuse me miss?" Asked a new voice, I turned to be approached by this nicely dressed man. I smiled at him, he smiled back showing a beautiful gold smile.

"Um I seen you walking around earlier and I just wanted to get your name?" He said, I stuck my hand for a handshake. "The name's Maxine but my friends call me Max, and yours?" I asked him. "Anthony, but my friends call me Ant." He said smiling at me. We talked for a little longer before we decided to part ways.
I went looking for Kelvin, but I couldn't find him. I finally decided to call his phone but I seen him talking to another girl, I couldn't help but laugh. Niggas will be niggas, I thought shaking my head.
I went to check out but I just couldn't help looking at them. Look at him, being a hoe. I know I should of never gave it up, just a fucking fool to ever think he deserved any of me. I pulled out my wallet as she gave me my total and walked to front of the store. "Damn you was just gone leave me?"

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