New Kid

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I was awoken by my stupid alarm. I turn it off then I hop out of bed. I went to my closet and I got dressed. I went to my bathroom and did my hair.


I then put on light makeup then I headed to the kitchen. When I went to the kitchen I got a text from one of my friends,Lisa.
Lisa:Y/N where are you?!
Y/N:I'm at home
Lisa:You should have been here an hour ago!
Lisa:School starts in 5 minutes!
Lisa:He tried calling you but you didn't answer!!!
Lisa:Hurry and get here!!!
I look at my phone to see 50 missed calls and 65 text messages from Hobi!!
"Oh god he's so gonna kill me!"
I quickly grab my bag and my house and car keys then I rush outside.I hop in my car and start it but it wouldn't move.
I shout.
I check the time to see I only had two minutes.
I quickly get out the car and I started running to school. I kept running til I made it to school.
When I did the bell rang and everyone started to go to class.
But before I could go to my class I heard someone call my name.
"KIM Y/N!"
Oh no!
I turn around to see my boyfriend,Hoseok storming towards me.
"Uh hey babe!"
I said.
"Don't hey babe me! Why didn't you answer my calls?!"
He scolds me.
"I-I'm sorry I-"
I was cut off by him slapping me.
I hold my cheek I look at him with fear.
"When I call you you better answer me understand!"
He shouted in my face. I felt tears forming my eyes but I held them in.
He shouted again but this time gripping my hair.
"Yes I understand Hobi please!"
I beg.
He said letting go of my hair. He then stormed off leaving Me by myself. I quickly rush to the classroom and I walked on in.
"Your late Y/N."
Said my teacher Mrs.Minaj.
(A/N:I don't know any teacher names so I'm just gonna put celebrities as the teachers LOL)
"Sorry Mrs.Minaj."
I said then I went to my seat that was next to Lisa. She then handed me a piece of paper.
Where the heck were you?!
It read. I look at her and she looked at me worried.
Sorry I slept late
I passed the paper back to her and she read it then wrote something on it then passed it back to me.
Did you tell Hobi?
I wrote back to her.
Tried to but he didn't listen just slapped me
Her eyes widen when she read it then she quickly rote back then handed it to me.
Yeah I'll tell you later
I handed the paper back to her and she just nodded.
"OK everyone so today we are having a new student."
Said Mrs.Minaj.
"So when he gets here I want everyone to be nice to him. Especially you BangTan boys."
She then looks at my boyfriend and his friends. They just smirked. Then there was a knock on the door.
"That must be him remember be nice to him."
We all nod then Mrs.Minaj opens the door revealing a really handsome boy. He had beautiful white skin and purplish hair that exposed his forehead. He had broad shoulders and dark eyes.
"Hello You must be the new transfer student."
He nods.
"OK so please introduce yourself."
He nods again.
"Hello I'm Kim Seokjin and I'm 18 years Old I hope we can all get along."
He said along with a bow.
"It's nice to meet you Jin you can sit by Y/N."
She said pointing to me. He smiled then he made his way over to me. He sat down then he smiled at me.
"Hi I'm Jin what's your name?"
He asked.
"I'm Y/N it's nice to meet you."
I said with a smile.
               HOSEOK POV
I watched as Y/N was talking to the Jin dude. It made me furious
to see her with other guys. I didn't pay attention to anything that Mrs.Minaj was saying. I was focused on Y/N seeing what her and Jin were doing. After an hour the bell finally rang and everyone was packing up and leaving. I was about to go up to Y/N before she walked out but Jin made it to her first. My eyes widen when he put a hand on her shoulder.
What is he doing?! Why is he touching her?! I got closer to hear what they were talking about.
"So can I eat lunch with you?"
He asked her still touching her shoulder.
"Yeah totally! I can introduce you to my friends if you'd like."
"Sure u can't wait to meet them."
He said with a smile. Y/N then smiled back then they walked out. I followed right behind them to see what they were talking about. They then made the cafeteria then say down with her friends. Jin then sat down next to her and when he did his hand touched hers. My blood started boiling when I saw them holding hands. I couldn't take seeing them right to each other.
I have to do something about it.
Just you wait Kim Seokjin.
I smirked.
Just you wait.
                 Y/N POV
Me and Jin went to the cafeteria and we went to look for the girls.
"Y/N over here!"
I look up to see one of my friends,Rose calling my name.
I wave then me and Jin went to table. As we were going to the table I felt eyes watching my every move. But I ignore it then we sit down. When we Did I felt Jin's hand touch mine. I started blushing then Jin took his hand off mine.
"So Y/N who's Your friend?"
Asked Jennie.
"Oh girls this is Jin he's the new transfer student."
Jin smiled then waved.
"Hey Jin! I'm Rosé and this us Jennie,Lisa,and Jisoo."
"It's nice to meet you guys!"
He said with a smile. I was about to say something but my phone vibrated. I look at the message and it said Hobi.
"Who was that?"
Asked Jisoo.
"Oh that was Hobi he said to goto my locker."
"Who's Hobi?"
Asked Jin looking at me confused.
"Her boyfriend."
Said Jennie.
"You mean her abusive boyfriend."
Added Lisa.
"Lisa shush!"
Said Jisoo.
"What he is!"
"Well don't tell him that!"
"No it's fine anyways I to got don't want to get him angry."
I then got up then I went to my locker.
I watched as Y/N left the cafeteria. I smiled when a thought of her entered my head.
"I wonder what Hobi will do to
I heard Lisa say.
"Um what are you guys talking about?"
I asked.
"Oh uh nothing."
Said Jennie with a weak smile.
"Come on you guys can tell me."
I said.
"Um OK but when we tell you promise you won't freakout."
Said Rosé.
"I promise."
I said.
"Ok so Y/N has a boyfriend named Jung Hoseok and he uh well he."
She hesitates but finally tells me.
"He's a little abusive."
My eyes widen. Y/N gets abused by her boyfriend.
"He abuses her?!"
I said angrily.
"Oh poor Y/N."
I said.
"Yeah but please don't do anything!"
"Why not?"
I asked.
"Because we don't want her getting hurt when he finds out that you are protecting her. He would freak out and probably hurt you too."
Said Jisoo worried.
"OK I won't."
I said smiling at them.
I turn to the cafeteria doors where Y/N went to talk to her boyfriend. I hope she will be OK.
I walk out the cafeteria to go to my locker. I hope Hobi doesn't hurt me. When I make it to my locker I heard someone calling my name.
I turn around seeing Hoseok.
"Um h-hey!"
I said nervously.
"I see you've been hanging around with the new boy."
Said Hobi walking towards me.
"Uh yeah so?"
I said with my back against the lockers.
"So I want you to stay away from him."
I look at him confused.
"What?! You can't tell me to stay away from him! He's my friend!"
I shout at him. He suddenly pinned me against the lockers.
He slammed his hand on one of the lockers near my face.
"I believe I can."
He said getting close to my face.
I could feel his hot breath on my face.
"I'm your boyfriend! Your my property! If I say you can't be near him then stay away from him! Got it!"
He shouted in my face.
"OK! I will Hobi please!"
I beg.
"And I don't ever want to see you around him again."
He then lets go then walls away.
I sigh then I roll my eyes.
God Hobi is starting to get on my nerves.
I then went back to the cafeteria to the others. When I went to the cafeteria I look around for Hobi but I didn't see him anywhere.
Thank god!
I then went back to the table and sat down.
"So what happened?"
Asked Jin a little nervously.
"Nothing special he just told me to stay away from you."
I said to Jin.
Said Lisa surprised.
"But why?!"
Asked Jennie.
"Yeah I've only been here for a day! Why is he already against me?!"
Asked Jin.
"I don't know! I guess he saw us talking in class."
I said.
"Well Hobi is the jealous type when it comes to Y/N's guy friends. He can get a little overprotective."
Said Lisa.
I said resting my head in my hands.
"I don't know what happened to him. I feel like we're falling apart."
I said. Jin pays my back.

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