The King's Daughter

Start from the beginning


Ariana turned a corner and ran straight into her brother less than twenty minutes after she set off to find him.
"Arthur!" Her surprised look turned to a frown. "What happened? I thought you were training?"
He sighed, clearly irritated. "Some idiot decided he didn't like how I was practicing my knife throwing, he tired to.." he chuckled "He tried to punch me, quite pathetically might I add... Anyways I had to return to the castle when the guards arrested him."
She scoffed, "Arrested? Was that really necessary?"
Arthur shrugged, "Either way, apparently Gaius is his guardian, so he got out... well.."
"Well what?"
Arthur got a shit-eating grin on his face. "He's going to the stocks."


Another rotten tomato collided with Merlin's face, hitting him square in the nose. He cringed, waiting for the next impact, but it never came. He looked up to see his 'fans' running away, and a woman in a dark and dirty cloak approaching him. Initially he assumed Gwen had returned to keep him company, but there was no way a maid could afford pearls like that.
"I don't suppose you're here to release me are you?" He looked up hopefully, trying to catch a glimpse of the woman's face.
She giggled, it was airy and childish but still had a feeling of confidence to it. "Unfortunately, no." She pulled back her hood and Merlin was absolutely sure she was no maid. Her skin was unblemished by plague or hardship, and the only thing that broke up her pale visage were the freckles that made a bridge across her nose. Her hair was the color of straw, and even though she was beautiful, he felt an odd explainable mistrust towards her.
"Then why are you here?" It came out more harshly than he intended, and he saw the hurt cross her face before it vanished.
"I just wanted to meet the person who would stand up to my brother."
Merlin frowned, "That prat is your brother?"
The girl giggled again, "Is that so hard to believe?"
"Well, he's so arrogant and you're so..."
She blushed. "I'm, um, Ariana by the way."
Merlin extended his hand, at least as much as he could. "Merlin."
"Well, it was good to meet you Merlin... I should head back to the castle before I'm missed, but you're Gaius's ward, right?"
"That's one way to put it."
"Then.. I'll be seeing you around?" she smiled sheepishly.
"Uh... yes, definitely... and thanks for scaring those kids away."
"No problem, I figure it'll buy you a solid ten minutes before they realize I'm not and evil witch here to steal them away."
"I'll take any time I can get." She shot him one more smile before pulling her hood back up and disappearing into the crowd.


The court sat in the throne room, Morgana on Uther's left and Ariana to his right, with an empty throne in between them where Arthur would be seated. Of course Arthur didn't come. She sighed. The doors to the throne room swung open and Ariana readjusted her posture. In came a beautiful woman with thick black hair and a flowing red dress.
Uther stood up, making his way towards the woman. "Lady Helen. Thank you so much for coming to sing at our celebrations."
Lady Helen bowed slightly, "The pleasure's all mine."
"How was your journey?"
She sighed, "The time it took sire." Ariana looked on, feeling an unexplainable sick feeling in her stomach. The king lead Lady Helen towards the throne so they could talk more, continuing their conversation as they walked.
"Father?" Ariana swallowed, he turned to her. "May I have permission to retire for the night?"
Uther looked puzzled. "Whatever for?"
"I fear I am feeling ill..."
He pressed his lips together, then nodded. "Yes, if you are still feeling ill in the morning, see Gaius."
She stood up and bowed. "Thank you father, Lady Helen my apologies."
Lady Helen smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes, "No trouble at all my lady, I'd hate for you to miss the feast because of illness..."


Ariana woke up still feeling sick to her stomach, but whether she was truly ill or just nerves, she couldn't tell. Gaius could likely help her with either, so she headed to his chamber. She wrapped on the door and it opened. Gaius smiled when he saw her.
"Ariana!" He gestured for her to enter, "To what do I own this pleasure?"
She sighed, smoothing down the front of her dress (once again selected by Lorelei) "I have been feeling ill as of late, I am unsure if I'm just nervous or if I'm truly sick." Gaius nodded and lead her to a bench.
"I will inspect you, if it is nerves I will made you something to calm your nerves, if not we'll go from there." Ariana nodded, and Gaius got to work. He started by feeling her forehead for a fever. "No fever... Have you been anywhere recently where you could have gotten sick?"
Ariana's ears got hot, "Umm, no I'm not allowed to leave the castle..." Gaius raised an eyebrow, "Fine, I went down to the lower town to see the boy who stood up to Arthur."
"Yes... that's right, Arthur said you were watching over him..."
Gaius stood up, heading over to the cabinets where he kept medicines, "I can find no evidence of sickness, I'll get you something for nerves..."
She bit her lip, "There's one other thing..." He stepped back from the medicine and faced her, folding his hands in front of him. "I've been having... tremors in my hands.."
Gaius frowned, "That is most unusual, my lady."
"Please, you can't tell my father! If the king thinks I'm sick he'll never let me leave the castle!" Gaius opened his mouth to respond, but before he could say anything, a loud ruckus erupted from the square below. He peered out the window and sighed.
"Many apologies my lady, I fear Merlin is trying to get himself killed again." He moved away from the window and Ariana stepped up. Sure enough, Merlin was on the ground and Arthur was swinging a mace at him. Inexplicably, Arthur's mace got caught on some meat hooks. That was unlike him, he was usually so aware of his surroundings.
"I will go retrieve Merlin, I'll give you your tincture once I return."
"Thank you, Gaius." She continued staring out the window, pleased to see someone teaching Arthur a bit of humility.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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