Day 22: America

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The boys smiled and waved to the fans as we hurried into the airport. Zayn's grip only got tighter as we walked. I smiled knowing he was being protective of me. I bit my bottom lip trying not to look too goofy with a giant grin on my lips. When we were finally in the safe zone, I noticed a really beautiful blond lady. She was carrying a baby. I've seem pictures of that baby before, I was positive that her name was Lux. I saw Harry and Louis, rush over to the blond with the baby.

"C'mon babe, it's Lou and Lux! Let's go say hi. You didn't get to meet her because you were in the hospital." Zayn told me as we made our way over.

"Hey Lou, this is Cole, my girlfriend." Zayn introduced me. 

"So this is the famous Cole I've been hearing about from Zayn the whole night." She smiled looking me over. "She's cute." She winked at me. I blushed and smiled. "I'm Lou, by the way. I'm their stylist." She introduced herself.

"It's nice to meet you." I replied, looking at her while sending glances to Lux and the other boys. 

"Oh, and this is my daughter Lux." She motioned to the SUPER ADORABLE baby in Harry's arms. 

"She is the cutest thing ever." I stated. 

"But I'm cuter." Zayn intervened. Lou and I gave him a look and laughed. I just gave him a peck on this lips before he went over to hold Lux in his arms. He came over to me with her.

"Hey Lux, say hi to Cole. She's my girlfriend. Isn't she beautiful?" Zayn asked as he lightly bounced her in his arms. I smiled at Lux giving her a small wave. She smiled at me and I just wanted to die. I love kids. They were just so cute and too hard to resist. 

"OMG. She is so, incredibly cute!" I squealed as I held her hand gently in mine. "Hi Lux." I chirped. 

"Sorry everyone, we need to get going." Paul announced. I pouted and told Lux bye, before Zayn gave her cheek a kiss and handing her back to Lou, who gave her to, who I'm assuming was, her husband.

"You'd make a really cute mum." Zayn whispered.


We were in the plane lounging in first class. All the couples sat together, while Harry sat with Lou (Tisdale). I could hear them at the back of first class laughing. It put a smile on my own face. It was nice to know that they were having a good time. I could also hear Liam and Louis chuckling along with the girls. Niall and Belle were across the aisle from us being all lovey dovey. Zayn and I were looking at each other making awkward faces then laughing about it. He intertwined his hand with mine and leaned in giving me a short, yet sweet, kiss. 

"I'm glad your okay." He whispered in my ear. I smiled causing my eyes to close.

"Me too." I whispered back before kissing him on the nose.

"You missed." He pouted. I laughed and  kissed him again, this time on his soft lips. I felt him smile in the kiss.

"I'm going to be sick." I heard Niall shout out while laughing. Zayn and I turned to him and Belle smiling. 

"Shut up Niya. Why don't you pay more attention to your gorgeous girlfriend over there." I told him. 

"Don't mind if I do. And stop calling me that. It's embarrassing." He chuckled turning towards Belle. At this very moment, everything was perfect. Everyone seemed really happy, and I was happy for all of us. 

After a few hours, Everyone had fallen asleep, except for Niall and me. We were still awake, talking to each other about random topics that would come up. 

"I'm telling you, one day I'm going to own Nandos!" Niall kept trying to convince me. 

"Why would you want to? If you do, then you're going to get sick of it." I told him. 

Nobody Else: A Niall Horan Fan Fiction [[ON HOLD]]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon