Day 22: America

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A/N: Hey loves! Thank you guys for all the support! I really, truly, and massively appreciate it. AND!!! I've got a new story out... it's called, "1Derful Life." So check it out and I hope you guys like it :) And I hope you all like this chapter enough to vote and comment on it. Please fan if you want to. No pressure :) **FEEL THE PRESSURE!**

Today was the day that I could finally get out this stupid hospital. The pain wasn't as sharp as it used to be. I was now able to go about my daily activities except I couldn't do anything to strenuous and I couldn't really lift my left arm passed my shoulders. I looked up at the clock and saw that there was ten minutes till 9am. Everyone was going to pick me up by that time. I wished that time would just move faster. This hospital was the last place I wanted to be. While I was thinking about how much I wanted to leave, the door bursted open to reveal an excited Harry Styles! 

"LOVE! It's time to go!" Harry gave me a cheeky grin, with his curls in a floppy mess. I smiled back but I was a little confused. 

"Harry, where's everyone else?" I asked in curiosity.

"Back at the van. Where else would they be?" He chuckled.

"But… but why did you come and get me and not Zayn or Niall?" I questioned him further. 

"Are you disappointed that it was me who came to get you?" He pouted looking a bit hurt. 

"OH NO! No, no, no! I'm not disappointed at all." I assured him. He smiled knowing that I wouldn't ever be disappointed. He knew I loved him.

"I know. It would make more sense if it was Zayn or Niall." He laughed. "It's just that I was the one next to the door and it would be faster if I just came and got you." Harry explained. Now everything made sense.

Harry offered me his arm which I accepted happily, wrapping my arm around his. We walked out of the stuffy room and down the hall to see Paul filling out the my release papers. Harry and I stopped and waited for him. When he was done we all walked back to the van. I noticed the van shaking. Harry and I broke out in laughter while Paul looked a bit annoyed. As we walked to the van door, Paul opened the door…

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone in the van shouted with glee. I jumped in actual surprise. 

Everyone laughed at my reaction and they all came piling out if the van. They came rushing at me smiling, laughing, and giving me loving hugs. Louis came out with flowers, well I think they were flowers. They were all falling apart and most of the stems were missing the flower heads. When Liam, Niall, and Zayn approached me, I notice flower petals caught in their hair. I laughed at the sight of them. Niall gave me a tight squeeze whispering in my ear about how worried he was and how happy he is that I was okay. It really made me feel like I was accepted and loved by everyone. Zayn came up to me last and held me in his arms for a good while. When he broke away, he gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. This was definitely a moment I'd always remember. 

"Okay guys, time to get going." Paul interrupted our little party. 

We all split into two groups and went into each of the two vans. Liam, Dani, Zayn, and I went in the first van, while Niall, Belle, Louis, El, and Harry were in the second. The ride to the airport was a lot of fun. We were talking about stupid and random things. We took some pictures on our phones and we also had a contest on who could make the best facial expressions. Dani complained that I was always losing because I was too pretty and that my face couldn't be ugly. I was flattered that she thought about me that way, but I thought it was the other way around. She would lose because she was too gorgeous to make an ugly face. 

When we finally got to the airport, there was a huge crowd out. I sighed not wanting to really get mobbed and go deaf, but that was the least of my worries. I wasn't the one famous so I was sure that I wasn't going to be mobbed, unless the fans completely hated my guts and wanted to kill me, but that was very unlikely. They wouldn't want to do that in front of the boys. Another reason I didn't want to go out in the crowd was because I didn't want to share my boyfriend. As selfish as that was, I just got out of the hospital from being shot and didn't get to spend much time with Zayn, so I thought I had the right to just have him for myself just for a day or two. I guess I was just being a little brat because I knew that I was going to have Zayn for myself more than the fans will. I scrunched my nose and pouted before Zayn took my hand in his and pulled me out into the sea of screaming and crying fans. 

Nobody Else: A Niall Horan Fan Fiction [[ON HOLD]]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن