Welcome Home

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And here is the official first chapter of my Niall fanfic. Hope you guys like it :) x


Niall's POV

"Demi Lovato! OMG I love this song!" Cole squealed. I winced at the high pitch sound of her voice.

"Man, does it feel great to be home in Ireland and having my ears bleed." I said sarcastically.

"HEY! You haven't even seen the worse of it." She giggled from the driver's seat.

"But it really does feel good to be home. Thanks for picking me up at the airport Cole." I gave her my gratitude.

"Nah, don't worry about it. Anything for you Niya." She joked.

"Uggghhh!!! Don't call me that!" I complained. She giggled at my dismay and continued to sing along to Demi's song 'Lightweight.' 

She always called my Niya as a joke just because her name for short sounded like a guy's name. And so she thought there was a need to turn my name into a girl's name. I gazed out the window thinking to myself about all that's happened since I last saw Cole. She told me that she has a boyfriend and that I'd be meeting him for the first time once we got home. She was my neighbor so there was no way of making up an excuse. Cole was a definitely a beautiful girl. She has long black hair that gets a bit wavy at the bottom, piercing emerald eyes, full lips,  stood at 5'3, with a petite frame, naturally tanned skin, and a hilarious personality with a contagious laugh to match. It wasn't a surprise to know that she had a boyfriend. In fact, if she didn't have a boyfriend, there was most likely a line of guys dying to be with her. 

"I wanna stay up all night and do it all with you!" I heard Cole singing and pointing her index finger at me. 

I didn't even realize that the song had changed. I looked over at her and she was belting out the song like it was nobodies business. It was so funny that I couldn't help but let out a good loud laugh.

"Whoa there Whitney Houston! Don't hurt yourself." I chucked. 

"Niya shut up!" She started to laugh.

"Stop calling me that!" I whined.

For the rest of the ride the both if us sang to all the different songs on her ipod. A few of our songs popped up and every time she would tell me how much she loved it. I could tell she was a fan of ours.

"So you're a big fan?" I inquired.

"DUH! You're in the band and your guys lyrics and sound is amazing!" She blurted out shamelessly. I couldn't help but laugh. Cole was the same as ever, blunt and totally herself.

We finally reached home. All the lights in my house were on and there were a lot of cars parked all around. That could only mean one thing and one thing alone.

"Ah, a welcome party I see." I smiled at the thought.

"Yup! We're all really happy that you're back. Even if it's for a little while." She returned the gesture.

We got out of the car leaving my luggage in the car for now. As I opened the door, everyone cheered and greeted me enthusiastically. Cole was laughing and making small talk with everyone we passed. She was a popular one, no doubt about that. Further in, I found my mum smiling at me. I could already see the tears forming in her eyes. My dad was standing next to her with an arm around her shoulder. It was an absolute lovely sight.

"Mum, Dad!" I rushed over to them in a group hug.

"My baby! I missed you so much!" My mum cried.

Nobody Else: A Niall Horan Fan Fiction [[ON HOLD]]Where stories live. Discover now