3. Aftermath

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Normal P.O.V

It's been a couple of days since the paramount war, the White beard pirates were slowly recovering and their allied forces had gone back to the new world. They had docked in an inhabitant island in the calm belt. White beard, Ace and Luffy were still unconscious but were in a stable condition. There was one question that bothered them 'who was that winged woman who saved them' they were all grateful for the help there was no doubt about it and were willing to do anything to repay her, but she had mysteriously dissapeared after everything just like how she appeared out of no where. Marco was high up in the air in his Zoan form to look out for any marine ships in the horizon. He then spotted a news coo and brought a newspaper from it.

Marco then glided down to their camp sight and went into one of the tents they set up. He then ordered someone else to do the look out duty as he went to check up on his brothers. He used his Phoenix powers to heal any minor injuries and checked on the rest. He went to White beard's tent to check on his progress and it seems like he was recovering along with Ace but the only thing that bothered him was Ace's little brother, he seemed to be poisoned and was badly wounded. It was a miracle that he survived all of that, it was sad that  he was in a coma. Ivankov had told them that Luffy would have to be bed ridden for at least a month or two because of the trouble he caused.

Marco sighed and went to the table to read the newspaper he bought. The front page was about the war and the revelation of Ace and Luffy's heritage and how the war turned out in the end. They also had mentioned that Ace was probably dead because of his injuries he sustained and that White beard was no longer as powerful as he once was and that there was a possibility that he might also die. He only sighed at all the crap the press published. Then when he turned the page a few bounty poster fell down, he picked it up and looked in to it.

There were some increases in bounties for the White beard pirates and some Black  beard pirates. He snarled at Teach's bounty picture, and among the others one caught his eyes. Marco then ran out of the tent and called in the commanders. They all rushed in to see what was wrong, they were in a panic because they feared that something happened to the old man. They visibly relaxed after they found that it had nothing to do with that.

Look at this yoi... He handed them the wanted poster and the newspaper, they spread it on a table for the others to see as well. It was the mysterious winged woman! The bounty was so shocking considering the fact that it was her first bounty. In the picture she had a mean look and her wings spread out in the back while she held her lance. Some had to recheck the numbers to see if they missed a zero some where. After the commanders gawked at the poster Marco read out the news article about her.

A Mysterious woman joins the war! Was the title and a full body picture was also included.A mysterious female who had appeared out of no where came to aid the White beard pirates and helped them escape the marines. Her identity is currently unknown, the marines were not able to find any information or reports about the female's existence. Marco then read through the entire article in a few minutes and summed it up for the rest. Basically they don't know who she is or where she came from but they suspect that she could be our allie and that she is a huge threat to the marines and the government considering the fact that she held up against the Admirals and the rest is mostly about how she came to our rescue. Marco finished as he closed the newspaper.

Well... we also don't know who she is but she came to help us... if it wasn't for her help... Haruta didn't finish the sentence as he looked down not wanting to think of the alternate outcome of the battle and shivered at the thought.

We are in her debt no matter how we look at it. Jozu said as he stared at the bounty poster.

Yes, but she vanished before we could even thank her for her great help. Vista said with a solemn look.

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