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The team stood outside the nurse's office unsure how to deal with this new reality. Hinata was disabled and they didn't even know. Their member was in so much pain and they didn't know. A range of emotion hit each of the team members, betrayal, hurt, guilt, worry... The door opened and the nurse was then bombarded with questions. "Hey! Move away from the door," the team turned and glared at the man in suit behind them. He was tall, dark haired, around 5'11" and a decent amount of muscle. Tanka worried and frustrated shoved his hands into his pockets and trudged forward glaring the man directly into his bright brown eyes. "Who the hell do you think you are?" he asked. The man's vein pulsed on his forehead as his eye twitched and his mouth curled into a frown. "I need to get through brat." He pushed Tanka to the side glaring at the volleyball team as he pushed into the nurse's office. Tanaka and Nishnoya objected as Dachi, Suga and Asashi held them back with two glasses that could kill. "Sir! I think that Hinata should rest, and I need to talk to yo-" the nurse cried behind the man. The boys stared in shock and anger as the man ignored the nurse, recollecting themselves they fought too the door to see what the man would do to their teammate. This time it was Kageyama who spoke up, "Hey, that's my partner! If you think you can take him away before he can explain-" Sniffles stopped Kageyama from continuing. The player who always smiled, who never seemed to let anything get to him, the one who would act as if nothing in the world could touch him, looked broken. Their beloved decoy hid his face in the shoulder of the man carrying him, his whole body trembling as he tried to silence his sobs. The man had taken off his jacket bundling up Hinata as if he was trying to hide him from the world. "Never again will my son be hurt like this. Your job is to care for my son, not let him be this reckless" He glared at everyone in the room with parental instincts making him protect his son much like a wild animal. His eyes bright but sharp like his son's glared at the boys as if staring into their souls. The boys dared not move a muscle as the father stomped out of the office with a frantic nurse trying to call him back.Kageyama whispers as the man walks further and further away, "Hinata?" That day it smelled like the body spray and antiseptic
Hianta had not come to school. The members had used the weekend to digest the information given to them. It was Monday and HInata had not come to morning practice, much to the dismay of the team but it had given them a chance to discuss their new reality. "So... as you know Hinata is..." Dachi started but the words did not seem to be able to leave his mouth. "Disabled" Tsuhima finished. The members of their group hung their heads low once more remembering how broken the bright haired boy was that day. "How could we not have known?" asked Suga, his face twisted in pain. "That idiot should've told us-" Kageyama wasn't able to finish. "How could you say that?! Why do you think he hid it?! There's so many reasons?! He kept his pain hidden for so long, to the pont he... he got hurt and that's what you say!" Dachi scolded. Making the members lower their heads even more in shame. "We are the worst teammates ever..." Nishnoya muttered as the morning bell rang. Hinata had taken the day off apparently, and the next day off as well. At this point even the level-headed Tsukhima was worried. Hinata had responded to no one's texts either worrying the team even more. Kageyama frustrated after another practice where he was not able to practice his quick groaning in frustration. He missed Hinata, for some reason the ball of energy was one of the things that he had gotten used to during practice. Though he loves volleyball he couldn't help but feel like it wasn't as enjoyable without the small boy to talk or play with him. For Kageyama it was strange. He's never felt such a faltering emotion before not wanting him to play volleyball, because Hinata would support him. That's why he wanted to play volleyball again, because he would always spike his sets. How could he have been so blind and not realize he had only 1 leg. Thoughts of fear and guilt swarmed the whole team. Hence is why Kageyama managed to learn Hinata's address saying he wanted to drop off Hinata's classwork and the team was already walking with him anyway. Thus a group of 8 teenage boys were making it up the hill up to HInata's house unable to fathom how a kid with only one leg could make this bike ride everyday. Once they made it to the house they saw a traditional Japanese household with some of the lights on. It was beautiful and outside a black car was parked. They silently spoke with one another as they walked up to the front door unsure what to say. Tskshima who had his headphones on walking closely to Yamaguchi as one of the only reasons he even came. "Do you think his dad will let us come in, he seemed to really hate us?" said Suga, remembering the murderous glare he gave."Well I would be mad if my kid was crying like that." Said Nishnoya. "Yeah and we can be intimidating as hell." Tanka agreed, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "Okay I'm going to knock on the door. Best behavior." Ordered Dacihi. The group looked at the door, even Tskushima seemed a bit unnerved as Yamaguchi stood behind him gripping the sleeve of his jacket. Dacihi took a step forward and flicked his wrist 3 times at the door. The three knocks vibrate through his arm and the team's ears. Only the sound of crickets singing could be heard from the fields as the team waited. They didn't know why they were so nervous but they were all doubting themselves for even coming to the house when they heard the door open and a small girl with big eyes and an even bigger voice opened the door."Who are you?" She asked. The team reaped back at the child. She could've only been 4 or 6 but looked too much like Hinata. "Oh my gosh, Hinata turned into an even smaller midget!" Shouted Kageyama thinking the child was their teammate. Everyone seemed on edge, almost not believing their eyes as the little girl stared back at the group of boys. "Natsu! Who's at the door? You need to be more careful or I'll make you eat tomatoes in your-'' The older redhead had come to the door, he was wearing an apron. The group's eyes widened even more as they saw he was wearing shorts revealing that he was walking around because he had a cane in his hand. Hinata stared at the group wide eyes as well. His face paled and he looked at each of the players faces before looking down at his sisters. "Nii Chan?" She asked unsure what was going on. Hinata to say the least wishes he could disappear at that moment.

Haiykuu! Hinata's Prosthetic AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora