Chapter 3- New Spirits

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You've never seen a teenager more confused than Josuke.


"Josuke calm down!" You hushed the teen as he basically blew out you and Jotaro's eardrums. The two of you just spoke with Josuke about everything that happened after he returned from the service without his mother, the woman spending the rest of the week with some family. Josuke volunteered to stay at the house with you...and apparently it was because a stand user was nearby and on the attack. Jotaro had a vein pop on his forehead, and without words being spoken, you understood exactly what was bothering him. "Josuke let's sit down in the other room." The teen agreed and Jotaro gave a thankful sigh from the living room as you and Josuke walked into the kitchen.

"Okay...okay...well...I'm uh...I'm glad Jotaro was here. I'm sorry I left you alone. I should have insisted you came with me. I can't believe you almost...died..." Josuke whispered the end of his sentence, his grandfather's sudden death laying heavily in his mind. "I can't let anyone else I care about die." Josuke gritted his teeth, shutting his blue eyes tightly while clenching his fists. You leaned towards him with a gentle smile, smoothing over his hands.

"It's alright. I'm okay. I don't know what my stand does or what it looks like...but I can at least sense stand users and avoid them. Stand users have this...color aura about them. Jotaro has one and so do you. You guys are the only ones I see spirits with too. I wonder if stands and guardian spirits have a connection?" You questioned more so to yourself than anything. Jotaro's interest was piqued in the other room and so he immediately came over.

"Wait a second. You're saying that you can physically see some sort of spirit with us too?" His deep voice sent a shudder down your spine. Behind him was that English gentleman again for just a half a second, a look of surprise on his youthful face.

"You can see me?!" 

"Yeah, I can. But only sometimes." You said in a response to both men. "I can't see them if they don't want to come out. Kakyoin only shows up when he wants to...and it seems like that's the same thing with yours, Jotaro and Josuke." 

"Wait! I have one too?! Who's mine?!" You turned to look at Josuke and his baby blue and pink aura. A blond man with ruffled hair and emerald green eyes looked at you with a flirtatious smile. His clothing was unique and timeless, but he looked just as young as the Englishman.

"Molto bene...looks like you can see me too, principessa." 

"I'm...not sure...he's blond with green eyes and he's extremely buff. I...I think he might be Italian?"

"Does that mean you find me handsome? Had I still lived, I would have made a principessa like you my queen."

Your face broke out in a bright crimson red with a sputtering cough, concerning Josuke immediately. Jotaro was beyond intrigued by you and what you could see. He knew a little bit about his grandfather, Joseph Joestar's adventures when he was young...but this was a whole new stack of crazy. Was it possible...that stands were connected to guardian spirits? That a stand is just a manifestation of one's guardian and their own fighting spirit? If that was the case...Jotaro needed to know...

"Their names. Tell us the spirits' names." He demanded from behind you. You looked around to see the Italian and the Englishmen look at each other, shrug, then look back at you.

"It seems you're our only voice to the living. I have to admit...It's nice talking to someone for the first time in a hundred years. My name is Jonathan Joestar...pleased to meet you Miss (y/n)." 

His slick English accent was coupled with a bright pearly grin. Your heart fluttered and immediately fell at ease in his presence...just something about him that seemed to exude safety and was the same feeling you had around Jotaro.  Jonathan faded away so you turned to the Italian who winked at you, deciding to fade too after speaking.

Guardian Crusader (Jotaro Kujo x Reader) JJBA x Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now