Chapter 6: Cause When You Are a Demigod, There's no Such Thing as Good Luck

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(not for very long, at least ;) )

Percy left Annabeth at the substation after their date at the movies. He checked his phone as he walked pass the Stark tower entrance without lifting his glance and turned towards the second alley down the avenue.

He'd arranged to meet Nico here to go grab a burger and catch up with him. The son of Hades had told Percy about the way he felt after the war and sure, it had been pretty awkward for the first few weeks after the summer but in the last three months or so things had started to go back to normal - or as normal as demigod life got.

Determined not to lose his friendship with Nico - and not to let him go through the repercussions of Tartarus and everything else the kid had dealt with alone – Percy had convinced him to go back to school in NY and they'd met up every two weeks since then, and each time it got less and less awkward until they were better than they’d ever been.

Percy looked up and down the dark and slim street and then down at his wrist - only to remember he didn't have a watch. He was out of charge on his cell phone - he'd spent almost 17 years of his life not caring one, no one could really blame him if constantly forgot to charge the phone Leo had gotten him – and his ADHD made him impatient and paranoid. Again, who could blame him? He hadn't exactly lived a calm live up until then and he was pretty sure that wasn't changing any time soon. Just this month of January – which was thankfully over – he'd battled two laistrygonian giants, a cyclop and a flock of harpies. Besides, it was getting cold and he wanted to get out of that ally but Nico needed a dark and private place to shadow travel to. Besides, if the two demigods attracted monsters (almost unavoidable, it's in the job description) there wouldn't be any innocent witnesses they would have to protect.

He'd been pacing back and forth for about five minutes when a noise came from the end of the narrow street. Finally he thought, for a split second and he was about to voice it when he realised 3 things: 1) Nico never made any noise; 2) he hadn't felt the tell-tale cold shiver that accompanied Nico's arrival; 3) the Son of Hades hadn't announced himself like he usually did. Very casually, he let his hand slide into his pocket where Riptide was and, grasping and ready to pull it out, resumed his pacing so as to appear distracted. Soon enough, he could hear footsteps by his side and it was by sheer dumb luck (or lack of aim on the other guy's part) that he managed to avoid the taser aimed at him. 'Tasers... so they want to capture me and they are human. Riptide is useless then' he thought as he stepped away from the wall and assumed a fighting position. Two against one would be rather unfair if he wasn't a trained demigod but maybe he shouldn't have spoken - or thought - so soon because in no time reinforcements arrived.

In a less than a minute he'd knocked down the first attacker and was using the second one as a shield against the other Taser aimed in his direction. As the second went down, he punched the third attacker and pushed him against a fifth as a sixth came at him.

He didn't know how long he could keep this up - the man attacking him were skilled and numerous and he was tiring fast. Riptide was of no use to him and he had been warned off of using his powers against humans, much less in public.

As Percy flipped yet another attacker away he noticed a somewhat familiar emblem on the shoulder of his uniform but before he could even consider checking it out, 2 more guys - he was pretty sure he had already fend off those two so they must have gotten up. Where the Hades was Nico?! - noticed his distraction and took advantage of the situation. While one of them came at him from the front, keeping him occupied, the other one recovered his weapon and tasered him from behind. While the charge, which had so easily knocked out two of the humans who were attacking him, wasn't enough to make him pass out, it was enough to make him fall to his knees. That gave the assailants the perfect opportunity to sneak up on him and hit him over the head.

The last thing the son of Poseidon remembers before blacking out was a sudden cold shiver and a bunch of strangers dragging him off to a black van (how cliché).

And here it is, finally, two more chapters. As promised, I am not abandoning this story and I have finally gotten around to write some more. I made myself a promise that I would publish this on the 25th as a Christmas present to you my wonderful readers. I never thought I would have so many reads and votes and I cannot tell you how grateful I am. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and an amazing year and that next year will be even better because you certainly deserve it. Love and Greeting to you all, all theway from Portugal ;-)

(Note: I'm sorry to leave you with a such an end. I will try to write some more in a near future but I won't make any promises I can't keep)

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