7th Chapter: Shit Goes Down

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Happy Easter my beautiful readers! So, finally I have a chapter for you but it doesn’t have Percy in it (don’t kill me!). on the other hand, it’s from our favourite uncle’s point of view – that’s right, while still in third person, this chapter is written from Tony’s point of view and it’s happening the morning after the 6th chapter. Enjoy!

POV Tony

Tony gingerly picked up one of the blue chocolate chip cookies from the plate in the middle of the kitchenette. Percy had shared his love for blue food – blue everything – and the story behind it with a sad smile that had melted the heart out of Peeper and Steve who now made sure to pour some blue colouring to every plate they – or any other of the residents with a knack for cooking, which certainly excluded him and Natasha – prepared for the team. It was odd that were still cookies on the table since he was used to being the last one to get up in the ‘morning’ – whenever he got any sleep at all in his bedroom, which lately had been few and far between – and therefore going without cookies or bacon or pancakes or whatever was the dish of the day. Tony suspiciously eyed the clock, wondering if he’d tricked himself awake too soon – but no, the clock read close to 4pm.

“Jarvis” he called out to his AI “Hasn’t Percy woken up yet?”

“Good morning sir” the automaton answered with a hint of sarcasm “Your nephew did not come home last night” he informed.

“What?!” Tony spat, almost choking on the blue chocolate chip cookies he was eating.

“Yesterday evening Mr. Jackson left with Miss Chase and was later recorded passing by the façade of the Stark Tower a quarter to midnight.” Jarvis calmly informed him “But he did not come back inside nor did he slept in his room”

Tony swalled and nodded at the information before ordering:

“Tell Steve and Natasha to meet me in the mission room downstairs” they were the only Avengers besides him available right now, with Bruce away in some kind of conference in England about something-physics related, Coulson and Sam there if anything went awry; Bucky underground somewhere, kicking buts and taking names as he tried to figure out what, exactly, had happened to him and who was to blame; Thor still on Asgard as off the end of last summer; and Clint on mandatory rest in the infirmary wing of the Helicarrier since he’d came back from some ultra-secret Black Ops operation with not one but two new bullet holes and some shrapnel from – Tony guessed – a bomb to which he’d been to close when it had went off encased on his right leg.

"Should I call Miss Chase?" Jarvis suggested.

"Yeah, do that." Tony agreed, slightly distracted, thoughts bordering on panic as he made his way to the lift (A/N: elevator, to any Brits out there ;)).

"Oh, and sir?" Jarvis called out to get Tony's attention as the elevator doors closed up. It did, of course, nothing to stop the AI since it was connected to every division of the tower. "Thor arrived yesterday evening and slept in his room. Clint has also been released - though with some complaints from the medical staff – from the infirmary. Would you want them in the meeting room as well?"

"Yes." Tony answered, unable not to smile at this little piece of intel, despite his inner turmoil. Two more superheroes by his side, one of them a powerful being always ready to kick some butt to next year.


Tony had tried to remain calm but the call to Annabeth's house number – the only number Jarvis had been able to find associated with the girl, although Tony was sure he'd seen her mess around with something at least resembling an iPhone – did not help at all.

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