Welcome back pt 2

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Kians POV
As I'm helping Sam bring his bags out from the cab I notice the lights were off from the house. I thought (y/n) was gonna meet me here oh I'm just excited to be back home. Ricky, Jc, Sam and I started to walk up the stairs and as soon we open the door all we hear is "surprise"
Was this the surprise (y/n) was talking about?

(y/n) POV
I went up to the guys and said
"Welcome home" I hugged Ricky first then Sam after Jc and finally Kian and the hug lasted for a while I just missed his hugs so much I couldn't let go. Right when I let go i told the guys to enjoy the party and have fun. They guys out there bags in their room while I was dancing with Jen and Arden to a 5SOS song.(I'm a huge fan don't judge).

Kian POV
I put my bags in my room and just stayed in there for a while I was pretty tired and didn't feel like partying so I laid down and relaxed. But I still couldn't stop thinking about rather this was the surprise or is there something else? I soon as I shut my eyes I herd a knock at the door. "Who is it?" "It's me (y/n). Can I come in?" "Yea come in."
I saw her come in and all I could think about was having her close to me but I have to control my hormones. "what are you doing up? Come join the party." she asked. "I'm just tired plus I wanna be alone...with you." Did that just come out of my mouth why did I do that? Oh no. "what? With me? Why" I don't know how to respond I don't even know why? Ugh what's wrong with me.

(Y/n) POV
Did he just say he want to be alone... with me? Does he like me? I'm so confused? "Umm Kian do you like me?" "Yes! I like you. I always have I just never found a way to tell you because I didn't know how and I was afraid if I told you you wouldn't like-" At that point I decided to lock my lips with his and man do I not regret doing that.

Kian POV
I decided to finally tell her and when I was telling her all I found ourselves doing is making out. It's actually happening. We lasted for a while and i ask for entrance and I got it. She grabbed the back of my neck while I picked her up and threw on my bed and well from there it went on. This has been the best welcome back gift ever! ;) the next morning I woke up next to her oh how beautiful she looked. I'm so happy to have her by my side and in my life.

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