Time to Decide

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Genesis wanted to growl at the level answer, but he managed to hold it back. Mostly due to the fact that the quicker he complied, the faster they would be in the air. Even so, his answer was less than polite. "What must be done?"

Rufus gestured toward the table. Genesis did growl lowly at that point but obeyed. Angeal had come in as well but didn't say anything as he sat at the far end of the table from Genesis. Once they were all in place, Rufus finally explained. "We have confirmed that the alien known as Jenova was here before she was destroyed. We have also confirmed that Vincent Valentine was indeed here in Nibelheim. Those are more than enough proof that we need to put a plan into place to deal with President Shinra before we leave."

Veld seemed to have developed a perpetual frown, but he still sounded the part of the cool Turk when he spoke. "I have operatives that I believe could handle this type of mission with discretion once you have a plan in place."

Rufus gave him a single nod. "That can be discussed further while we travel. The other item is more urgent to decide before we leave." He then looked around once, noting that Vincent had been leaning in a shadowed corner the whole time, but ignoring him before he continued. "The fact that Hojo was here is problematic. I believe we all agree that he needs to face charges along with Hollander, but we cannot take him back yet. Not until we have secured the city. My father is only one of several obstacles. I doubt that Heidegger and Scarlet will turn a blind eye to our efforts. We cannot be certain of Director Deusericus either."

There was a bit of grumbling at the mention of the other Directors, but Veld's gaze had turned hard. "Do not worry about them. I am sure that, given a choice, they would rather continue to serve you in good faith than the alternative."

Rufus took a moment before he nodded. "I trust that you understand the consequences of failure." He then turned back to the Soldiers. "Still, that is only part of the problem. Our most urgent concern is the fact that Hojo did not come here alone. We have seen no sign that he brought any infantrymen with him. However, those three teens are more than enough of a problem on their own."

"I recall Miss Fair stating there was a way Hojo was controlling them. First, we must figure out what that was, and then we need to locate them. We cannot assume they have stayed in the area, and they are too dangerous to roam alone."

Vincent stepped forward at that point. "There is a possibility that one of them was still in the reactor when it started falling apart. The boy I fought was unconscious when I left him. If he was, it is likely the other two stayed to try and rescue him. If not, then I have-" He cut off, and his jaw clenched, but his resolve seemed to firm when he looked back. "I have the means to track that boy. I am also the only one that can withstand his power. I will track them down."

Rufus nodded once. "That is a solid start, but I doubt it is something that you could accomplish alone." He then turned to Sephiroth. "It would be best if you could accompany him. You stand the highest chance of success, especially since Commander Hewley is unaware of what they look like, and Commander Rhapsodos is- Well, let's just say he is unavailable."

Genesis sneered at the tone the Vice-President used but didn't say anything. The man hadn't been wrong. Sephiroth's frown grew, but his voice was low when he answered. "I will agree that what you say makes sense. However, I have made a vow that I have every intention to keep. Jenova may have been destroyed, but I do not believe that Kris is out of danger yet."

Angeal got to his feet tentatively. He gave Genesis an unreadable look before he turned to Sephiroth. It was easy for them all to see that he was unsure how his input would be received. That didn't keep him from speaking. "Sephiroth, there are a few things you need to consider. First, you need to face Hojo as much as I had to make a decision about Hollander. It should up to you. Secondly, don't think that by helping here that you are abandoning your duty."

He paused for a moment and shot another look to Genesis. When his long-time friend still didn't say anything, he swallowed before he continued. "If Hojo really does have control of those teens, then we have to assume his orders still stand. They could very well come after Kris, so apprehending them should be a top priority, and in no way goes against your vow."

He then took a few steps toward Genesis. The red-head finally lost his frown when Angeal spoke next. His eyes were on Genesis, even though he was still talking to Sephiroth. "You also have to remember that Kris won't be unguarded. I have no doubt that both Genesis and Zack would give their lives to keep her unharmed. Plus, if you'll allow it, I would be honored to help protect her too."

Genesis moved to put a hand on Angeal's shoulder. His voice was tired and low, but his words were clear. "Do not blame yourself for what transpired. We all know who is to blame, and that being has paid the price. Put it behind you." He then patted his friend's shoulder once before he continued. "I would be honored to have you by my side. As it always has been, and always will be."

It took a moment for Angeal to respond. He still didn't look entirely convinced that Genesis was correct, but he did seem to have a weight lifted from his shoulders. He then turned back to face the General. "Don't forget, we're all in this together."

Sephiroth eyed both men for a few moments. His eyes were still troubled, but he gave them a nod before he turned to Rufus. "If we are to do this, then we need to start immediately. We have already lost too much time."

Rufus gestured his assent before both Vincent and Sephiroth turned to leave. The General only paused a moment in front of Genesis. "I have faith that you will get them both there safely."

Genesis' eyes flashed, but his voice was stronger than it had been. "Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return. I have faith that we will see each other again soon enough with brighter tales to tell."

The side of Sephiroth's lips tilted up, but that was the last thing said before he followed the silent gunman out and down to where Hojo was being held.

Faithless MemoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora