Blast from the past Chapter 8

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The day of the accident: Five years ago

I don't understand what teachers have against students like me. I'm a great student, I do all my homework and get good grades. Sure I should pay more attention to what she's teaching and not the conversation I'm having with the person next to me. Then again if what my teacher was teaching was more interesting then my conversation we wouldn't be having this problem. With these thoughts still on my mind as I exited the room, I met up with my two best friends, Carly Hill and Gina Franks. I have been great friends with these lovely ladies since the fourth grade,

"God, Mrs. Holly has a stick shoved so far up her ass she probably choughs up wood chips." I said as I got up to Carly and Gina. 

"You only say that because you think she doesn’t like you ." Gina said while she tried to keep her long wavy hair from hitting her in the face by the wind. I loved her long brown hair. It always reminds me of chocolate. Her hair reached the mid of her back. I always thought she was so pretty, with her pretty hazel eyes and her slightly tan skin and she had a tiny frame, she was without a doubt one of the prettiest girls in school.

"But she doesn’t like me, which I don't get I'm nothing but an angle in her class." Which couldn't be more farther from the truth but I would tell them that.

"Why do I have a tough time believing that Mrs. motor mouth. I don't even understand how you talk so much?."  Carly told me. She was also having difficulty keeping her hair at bay. She had a light red hair with bob cut hairstyle. I thought it made her look so cute with her short hair, before it used to be super long and she would always wear it in a long side braid then she came to school one day with it all cut off. She said she wanted some change with her hair. I think it fits her little kid face and light blue eyes. She also had a few freckles on her face but they were very light.

"Come on Mrs. Chatter box let's get to class." Gina yelled as she was already half way down the hall, She started laughing at us as Carly and I started running towards her, then we all laughed together when we caught up to Gina.

At this time in our lives we were always together. We were like sisters, liked mostly all the same things, all the same height, and rarely ever fought. Sure we're young but we thought times like these were never going to change, oh how wrong we were.

It was soon after school and Gina, Carly and I always walked home together, Carly's house came first, then Gina and I would walk to Gina's house, then my mom would pick me up at her house after work. She didn't want me walking home by myself because it got scary in the afternoon and it got even worse at night. Once we got to Carly's house we said our goodbyes and Gina and I continued to Gina's house.

"During math I so saw Jake and you making lovely go-go eyes." I told to Gina. Her face turn into bright red tomato.

"What! You're crazy. You need to get your eyes checked." She tried to hide her face in her long hair. There was no hiding her face. I knew her and Jake liked each other but both of them were too chicken to do anything about..

"That may be so, but I know what I saw, He just needs to grow a pair and ask you out already. It killing me with all the lovely tension between you guys." I lightly pushed her shoulder.

Her face full of embarrassment and laughter, "You're out of your mind. There seriously nothing between Jake and I. In all in that big head of yours."  She walked a bit ahead of me.

"Oh don't be like that. But I still think you and Jake would make a cute couple." I quickened my pace so I could catch up with her.

She stopped and turned to me and said," You really think so?" Her blush has gone and her skin turned back into the lovely tan completion. She had a hopeful gleam in her eyes. 

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