Chapter 48//Troye

Start from the beginning

" I feel we're close enough
Could I lock in your-" I can't take it anymore I walk out of the room and I can hear him stop singing. "Troye." I keep walking and he keeps calling my name. I walk outside sitting down in front of the tree that I did the first day when I saw he was in my class. "Troye what's wrong?"

"The song." I say not wanting to look at him. I feel like I'm overreacting but that song brings up memories of Austin and what he did to me.

"Did I sound that bad?" he looks genuinely concerned and I laugh at his question. I think he was serious because he looks offended when I laugh at him.

"No you sounded amazing. It's just every time I hear that song I think of Austin because he sang it to me once." Tyler pulls me into his arms and I snuggle up there.

"I didn't know. I'm sorry." He strokes my hair and starts singing me Thinking out Loud by Ed Sheeran, softly. When he finishes I say that we should probably head back inside. We walk inside hand in hand to find the choir room empty. We head to the auditorium and we go to our rightful places.

The rest of the school day is spent working hard. I feel absolutely confident that our concert is going to be amazing. Ms. Kale gathers us around right before the be is about to ring.

"Trevor doesn't know this but after the concert we are going to drive into town and see him. Maybe we'll stop for pizza afterwards. Everyone want to do that." I don't see anyone shaking their heads. The camping trip truly made us all become close friends. That's the point they want us to be a team of friends. A team that cares about the people they work with.

The bell rings and I initiate a group hug that everyone immediately joins. Then we put all our hands in like a sports team and I say, "Sing aww on three. One, two, three. Aww."

We laugh as we walk out of the art hall. Tyler tells me that his aunt and mom will be here in an hour or two. My parents aren't coming until the concert starts. We walk back to our room and I see Connor already lying on his bed when we walk in.

"Yeah. The boys just walked into the room. I'll talk to you later baby." Connor listens for a moment then says. "Yeah. Okay. I love you too. Bye."

"As Bronnor is so cute." Tyler says pulling me onto his bed with him. I hold his hand while I watch Connor turn 50 shades of red. I don't know why he gets so embarrassed. It just doesn't make sense to me. Oh well he's happy with Brookey that's all that matters.

"Is your family coming tonight, Troye?" Connor asks looking at the wall behind Tyler and I rather than at Tyler and I. "I haven't seen them in a while I miss Tyde. That kids a laugh."

"He's almost taller than me now. Yeah they are all coming, except Steele. He's with his fiancee in LA but they should be here for opening night." We stay in our room just hanging out for a long time. At 6 Tyler and I head to the auditorium only eating a light meal before heading in. The room is mostly empty because performers don't have to be here until 6:30 because the concert starts at 7. Ms. Kale is already scampering around frantically trying to make sure everything is in order. Tyler climbs up on stage and catches her arm.

"Troye and I will finish this up. Go sit down and relax for a minute." Ms. Kale takes a deep breath then gets off the stage to sit in the front row. Tyler and I look around seeing what needs to be finished. We do what we need to and by the time we finish the whole choir had joined us back stage. We warm up back stage then Tyler pulls us into a circle for a little pep talk. He's so cute when he's being motivational.

"Aww on three. One, two, three. Awww."  We walk out on stage as Mr. Kale introduces us. I look out into the crowd and find my family sitting next to Tyler's mum and Aunt. Jackie and my mum seem to be getting on well. That's great. I focus on the song making sure that I'm giving it my all. We sing two songs as a group then the whole group minus Tyler and I head back stage. Tyler and I are singing a duet to a song that we really like called Flaws by Bastille.

"When all of your flaws and all of my flaws
Are laid out one by one
The wonderful part of the mess that we made
We pick ourselves undone

All of your flaws and all of my flaws
They lie there hand in hand
Ones we've inherited, ones that we learned
They pass from man to man

There's a hole in my soul
I can't fill it, I can't fill it
There's a hole in my soul
Can you fill it? Can you fill it?

You have always worn your flaws upon your sleeve
And I have always buried them deep beneath the ground
Dig them up; let's finish what we've started
Dig them up, so nothing's left untouched

All of your flaws and all of my flaws,
When they have been exhumed
We'll see that we need them to be who we are
Without them we'd be doomed

There's a hole in my soul
I can't fill it, I can't fill it
There's a hole in my soul
Can you fill it? Can you fill it?

You have always worn your flaws upon your sleeve
And I have always buried them deep beneath the ground
Dig them up; let's finish what we've started
Dig them up, so nothing's left untouched


When all of your flaws
And all of my flaws are counted
When all of your flaws
And all of my flaws are counted

You have always worn your flaws upon your sleeve
And I have always buried them deep beneath the ground
Dig them up. Let's finish what we've started
Dig them up. So nothing's left untouched

All of your flaws and all of my flaws
Are laid out one by one
Look at the wonderful mess that we made
We pick ourselves undone."

I don't think we have ever sang the song better than we sang it that time. I look out at the crowd after we finish and I see people standing as they applaud us. I'm absolutely shocked. I guess I'm a really humble guy. I don't think I'm really good so when things like this happen I'm shocked. Tyler and I walk back stage as Ana and Chris walk out for their duet. Chris volunteered to take Trevor's place because the show must go on. 

The rest of the songs go by in a blur and the next thing I know we are taking our final now and the curtains are closing. As soon as the curtains closes I take Tyler's face in my hands and kiss him. He's shocked but extremely happy. That was an amazing concert. The best our group has ever performed by far.

We have a big group hug and a ten minute talk about how everyone in here need to keep performing as long as it makes them happy. After the talk Tyler and I head out together to find our families.

My family is about to meet the boy of my literal dreams. I could not be more happy.




TWITTER/Tumblr: SmilingTilly

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