chapter 2

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   Osamu's POV

the water was cold and very dark. the weeds were over-grown where I was searching. I saw a lot of fish and even some cool coral. as a swam further away from the boat I shine my light all around me. I stop when I spot a drop off of the ocean floor. I was only about 30 meters underwater, but past this drop, my light couldn't even shine to the bottom. 

I shine my light all around the drop-off, weeds, fish, rocks, and pitch blackness. all was hopeless until I shone the light directly next to me. I froze, I yank to rope so many times and I didn't even realize I was being pulled up. 

once I broke the surface, I was met with two extremely worried faces. 

"what! What's wrong?" Iwaizumi asks me as he is pulling me up on the boat, kuroo pulling Atsumu back up. I take my scuba mask off and look at him, his face was full of worry. 

"It was dead. a spear directly through its skull. it was missing flesh. like the fish were eating it." I respond, imagining the dead mermaid that I was next to not long ago. 

"you found a dead mermaid?" Atsumu asks, sitting next to me. 

"Yeah, right next to the drop-off. a spear was sticking out of its head and its flesh was hanging from its body by threads. I saw right through its chest, it-" 

"go get some rest Osamu." Iwaizumi interrupted. "there sandwiches in the cooler. why don't we all continue this in the morning." he spoke as he walked over to the bags and pulled out blankets and pillows. 

"ok," Osamu responded as he walked over to the cooler. 


Sunas' POV 


My friends, family, and neighbors were massacred by those creatures on black. my home was destroyed and all I could do was watch as they dragged me away. I was engaged and couldn't move as I was lifted out of the water. the sun was so bright and all I could hear was cheering. I tried to move but I couldn't. 

"looks like we've got ourselves a pretty one ey," a voice said as I dropped to the hard ground. "don't worry little fishy, you'll enjoy your stay." a man said as he crouched down in front of me, a smug grin on his stupid, tan face. I wack him to the ground with my tail and as soon as I did, I hurriedly try and craw to the water, but I was grabbed too quickly. strong arms pulled me up and dragged me back to the creepy man. 

"looks like we've got ourselves a fighter ey? maybe I could make some money off of you before I skin that pretty tail of yours off," I said holding a sharp, shiny thing to my tail, he slowly brings it up to my face. "you know what this is?" he asks. 

I respond with a glare. 

"It's called a dagger love," he says as he brings back down to my tail, "and you wouldn't want to get stabbed with it cause" before he finished I felt a sharp pain go through my tail and I screamed. I looked down and saw it sticking out of my tail, blood dripping down and pain pulsating. "it'll hurt" he said. I look back at him only to be met with him staring at me with a creepy smile on his face. 

"take him down to cages, don't want em drying out now do we lads," he said as he yanked out the dagger from my tail. I flinch from the pain, tears already sliding down my face. 

I was dragged from my arms through this huge area. up and down and around, until I was tossed in the water, and incaged in it. I could see everything in the area, so many things that looked like what I was in surrounded the area, the smell of dead bodies littered the air, and the sight of rotting mermaids tossed in the corner of the area made me gag. 

I'm going to die here. 


kuroos' POV


I woke up to hear a low, but very loud, horn. I sit up and saw a massive cargo boat pulled up next to us. 

"Oi! what are you doing here! this area is blocked off for research!" a male said, leaning over the edge, very angrily looking at us. 

"you can't block off an area in the ocean!" I respond, everyone else sitting up as well. 

"you lads are coming back with us, let's go, get on!" the man said, as other men on the cargo ship sending a ladder off the edge onto our boat. 

"Great, are we under arrest?" Atsumu asks me. I look at him, "I don't think so, they aren't cops. their researchers I assume."

"so we don't have to get on their boat?" Osamu asks. 

just as he asks that question, we hear a pop sound, we look up at the man on the boat, "if I were you, I would hurry on this ship." he was holding a rifle, that he just fired into the air. 

"I don't think we have a choice," Iwaizumi says as he slings a bag over his bag, walking to the ladder. we all follow pursuit. 

once we were all on the ship, we were quickly restrained by the men, sip ties were wrapped around our wrists, and we were pushed through a door. 

"don't worry, the cops will be waiting on the beach for yall. " the guy said as he closed the door. it was pitch black in the room. 

"great-" before he could finish we heard a sound boom sound. Astumu yelped. 

"what the hell was that?" Iwaizumi asked. right as he asked, the door opened again and closed behind him as he turned on the light. we were in a small room, with 2 doors. one lead back the where we came from, and the other, I'm not sure. 

"now, if yall don't wanna die, I suggest you start talking, what did you find down in their waters?" he asks. 

"We saw nothing, it was too dark out." I quickly respond before anyone could say anything. 

"bull shit," he said and walked closer to us, cocking his gun." you were right over a massacre of mermaids, and you wanna sit here and tell me you didn't see nothing?" 

"you killed them?" Osamu asks. 

"not I. the others. you see before we found out their scales are being bought for thousands of dollars, even millions, every government worker, researcher, and marine biologist where. they were aggressive towards us, we weren't gonna take that from stupid fish." He spoke as he pulled up a chair, setting one foot on it, "so we hunted em. Surprised ya didn't see any."

"So... you're hunting them right now?" Atsumu questioned. The creepy man smirked.

"I can show you em if you like."

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