Shouto gave him some insights about what is currently happening on Musutafu based on his investigations, and seems like Katsukinwill get his hands full woth dealing all kinds of bullcrap once more now that their common enemy is making a move without them knowing.

Katsuki really dispised Shigaraki. And it has been a while since he had heard about him. Ses like he has involved himself with some illegal transactions somewhere in Musutafu, and we all knew that in Katsuki's turf, he doesn't want anyone to go against the rule — a thin white line which the yakuzas have, a rule that states that no one is allowed to start illegal business on the territories of Musutafu behind their backs, and seems like the Todoroki group — who are known for their calm way in dealing things — has been pissed off also by Shigaraki's business.

Sero shot him a glance before sighing while he leaned his back on the car seat beside Katsuki, "Well, you shouldn't be too surprised about that. Akuyaku-gumi always pull some weird shit often."

"He's starting to deal with firearms, Sero. I swear to god when I see him, I'm going to fucking shove it up his fucking ass." Katsuki was mad. He gritted his teeth in frustration while tossing his hand over his blond locks and messed it up, "That asshole."

Katsuki angrily stepped on the gas and ran the car like a madman, making Sero almost shoot himself out of the car since he hasn't even buckled his seatbelt when Katsuki started to drive, "Come on, man! You have a death wish?! Please if you're planning to die, I don't want to join you!"

Katsuki slammed the door shut as he parked the car not too far away from the flower shop that he would always visit, amd on the other hand, Sero was on his hands and knees as he tried not to barf his lunch after that ride with Katsuki.

The sun is almost setting down and Katsuki just wished that you hadn't closed up yet or else he'll feel bummed. He wanted to see that cute little florist that likes to talk about plants while wearing those green apron.

Taking off his coat off and throwing it inside the car before walking towards the direction where the flower shop is while dragging Sero along with him — holding the back of his collar while he drag the poor guy on the street.

"Oh?" Sero, out of nowhere began as he halted on his tracks, his index finger pointing somewhere, "I remember that guy!"

"I don't know him, I don't care." the blond commented back without batting an eye, only making Sero roll his eyes at his friend.

"I think his name is Miboka? Mabushi? Mo...morikawa? Mununi? Wait that sounded wrong." The raven haired guy looled up while placing his index finger under his chin as if he was thinking.

Katsuki glanced at the guy whom he was talking about and boy, bad memories from high school came to haunt him again as soon as he recognized the face of the guy, "That's the bastard Monoma, dumbass."

"Monoma? Yeah! Monoma from 1-B before! You know? The one who always disses our class in highschool?" Sero snapped his fingers as looks at the guy who was standing across the street, holding his phone while busy tapping on it.

Katsuki rolled his eyes as he remembers, of course, who wouldn't remember that bastard who keeps on dissing on him ever since highschool? Monoma is one of those people whom Katsuki didn't really like to be around with and nonetheless want to be around with.

After a short while, a girl with a jet black hair appeared and sling her hamds around Monoma's arm before giving him a quick peck in the cheeks. The two exchanged conversation before finally decided to walk together, hands holding which made Katsuki want to gauge his eyes out and rinse them in holy water.

"Oh~ he going out with Kodai? Bruh, lucky~" Sero comments but Katsuki was tired listening to his bullshit and started to walk first, leaving his companion behind.

He wants to see you already. Whenever he's really stressed out, just one look on your face and it instantly disappears.

Sero gave up as he followed his boss towards the small shop that has a signboard that says "belles fleurs" on the top of the roof.

"Oh! Katsuki-san!" a girl greeted Katsuki and that changes Katsuki's mood. From being so grumpy to a happy one. Sero assumed that the girl Katsukinwas talking to was the the same girl Kaminari was talking about.

She was cute, if Sero would describe her. And she has that cute smile on her face, too. Sero already thought about why was Katsuki so hooked up on the girl.

His frown turned into a grin, Katsuki placed his hand on the top of your head. The scent of flowers envaded Katsuki's nostrils and seeing you already calms him down.

He loved the girl who was in front of him amd he wondered if does he even have a chance with you. Pondering on the fact that he is not that close to you yet and there is still some distance between you and him.

Because as much as Katsuki knew, you only saw him as a regular costumer and nothing else.

He would always wonder if the day where he'll be able to hold you in his arms will come. Will you be able to call his name and love him the way he loves you?

Even though he isn't used to wait and he never waits, he will try. Even if it'll make him wait for years just to be with you, he'll do it. As long as the wait is worth it. 

"Yo, what's up, nerd?"

a/n: gomen for the boring chapter! >< i'll make it up tp you guys in the next chapters asddhdkslos

i just cant think about a good update because of this damned writer's block aaaaa anyways, thank you for sticking with this lame ass story aaaaa

/sends u virtual hugs/

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