Chapter 7: Reunion and Promotions

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Jurassic World

As USMC MV-22 Osprey helicopters carrying the families of the now freed-hostages, who had then all been accounted for, the Humvee column with Rogue Platoon came in Main Street, where the people in other attractions have been gathered by the UN troops and the Coalition forces.

Among the families were Karen Mitchell, as well as Zara's boyfriend Alec. The Ospreys, callsign Raptor landed in the designated areas while USMC F/A-18 Super Hornet fighters, callsign Jester, kept patrolling for any suspicious plane or helicopter on the island.

"Raptor 4-1, this is Jester 2-5. Pursuit mode, over" the pilot of Jester 2-5 said.

"Copy, Jester 2-5." the pilot of Raptor 4-1, the MV-22 carrying Karen, answered

Just as the Ospreys touched the ground, a UH-1Y Venom, callsign, Buster 2-1, landed too. Aboard were the female Marine Colonel and the USMC Lieutenant General. Both the two officers and their USMC escort exited the helicopter after the gunner fave thumbs up to congratulate Cyd Grady.

Speaking of whom, she dismounted a Humvee and removed her gas mask like the other service members in Rogue Platoon. Seeing the two high-ranking officers, every military member stood at attention while the two officers nodded, meaning everyone could resume their activities. Cyd herself stood at ease after the two officers dismissed everyone else.

"CPL Cyd Grady. You honored the Marine Corps main principles and core values. Congratulations." the Marine Colonel told her.

"Thanks, Ma'am. Thanks, Sir. But I prefer to remain with my men." Cyd politely told.

"No. You have been recommended for the Jump School, to integrate the USMC Force Reconnaissance. More exactly, the USMC 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion. Do you accept it?" the Lieutenant General asked.

"Respectfully, Sir, I recommended Schaffer, Harrington and Marquette for such courses." Cyd answered as Schaffer, Harrington and Marquette arrived alongside the Brigadier General

"Grady, we examined your recommendation letters and they are better suited for MARSOC. They have nine more months of service in the Corps than you." the Brigadier General answered.

Cyd looked at her teammates, who all nodded, meaning they would go to MARSOC.

"I accept to go to 3rd Recon Battalion." Cyd replied.

"Good... Sergeant Grady." the USMC Colonel answered.

With that said, Schaffer removed Cyd's CPL rank insignia on her jacket and pinned a Sergeant rank insignia instead.

"By the way, leave anything for us?" the female Marine Colonel asked.

"Just bodies." the members of Rogue Platoon answered.

Meanwhile, Karen ran to her sister and hugged while Zach and Gray hugged their aunt. Owen, Danni, Barry and Olivia talked with each other when they saw Cyd's new rank insignia.

"Hey, guys. You owe me some Sarge now!" Cyd told the quartet.

"Right, Sarge. Where will you go now?" Olivia asked.

"Recon Marines." Cyd answered.

Suddenly, someone yelled, "Mom, it's her!" Cyd turned around and sighed in exasperation before walking away.

This was none other than the teen girl whose father was killed in the aviary. She actually showed Cyd to her mother, with whom she spoke about her father's death. The teen ran towards Cyd, who just boarded a USMC Humvee before shutting the door and looking what was outside. There were scenes of people thanking the Coalition service members for their service and their actions at Jurassic World. But most people were asking to thank Cyd as a favor.

Cyd also saw her former superior and mentor craddling Barbara Marcks with Barbara's daughter Anna smiling. Knowing Tim had been a single man for fifteen years, Cyd was not surprised this would happen one day. But seeing Tim kiss Barbara made Cyd sick on her stomach. Turning her head, Cyd saw her father kissing Claire.

"Ew, fuck." Cyd muttered when she heard someone open the opposite door of the Humvee. It was the teen girl Cyd had saved in the hotel complex.

"Thank you for your service. Name's Emma Dunn by the way. Wanna serve in the US Marines like you." Emma Dunn said an embarassed Cyd.

Cyd then made her way to the front of the USMC Humvee before exiting the vehicle, not used to being suddenly a model for teenagers.

"Hey, Mom. It's Cyd!" Gray yelled excitedly, prompting Cyd to board the MATV named Breaker.

But Gray and Zach also boarded Breaker with their mother in tail. Cyd, now frustrated, turned around and snapped, "What the fuck do you want?"

"Thank you for your service. I'm Karen Mitchell. Gray told me he would like you to find Mr. Right. And Zach told me he now would like to join the USMC." Karen explained.

"Tell a recruiter. I'm not a fucking billboard." Cyd answered sharply as she dismounted Breaker and marched towards the Humvee Bixby, which she mounted.

Then, Owen mounted Bixby and sat next to his daughter.

"Hey, Cyd. What's wrong?" Owen asked her.

"It's just, I'm not used to being thanked for my service. Not like this, anyway." Cyd answered her father.

"And for me and Claire? Cause I saw you leaving that Humvee." Owen asked her back.

"Yeah for Claire and you. But if I fled, twas cause some teen girl name Emma Dunn was chasing me. Not cause of Claire and you. So many people kissing in front of me, you know, I couldn't stand that sight." Cyd answered her father.

Owen understood what his daughter was up to. Some people would like being famous, while others wouldn't. Owen knew his daughter was the kind of girl who didn't say a word, who sat at the curb when she was in public. Now she would have to speak at press conferences, what Cyd hated because she didn't want to be famous. And Cyd wanted to remain anonymous to protect her family.

"So you and Claire will stick together, I guess. For survival." Cyd asked her father.

"Yeah, you're right." Owen answered his daughter smirking.

The father and daughter then starred at the sea, where Cyd walked for the first time at the age of one, when she still lived on a military base before her father became a Navy SEAL. At the time when Owen wasn't yet a Navy SEAL but rather still a normal US Navy Sailor, Cyd could spend hours playing soldier games by the sea with her father when no training was planned.

"Hey, Dad. The terrorists wanted to end the park. But I think, more and more people realized who the real monsters were when they saw TV news." Cyd told.

Turning on his tablet, Owen realized his daughter was right. TV news footage saw people praising Jurassic World and its staff for their calm during the ordeal, as well as the military for their outstanding job to retake Jurassic World. The footage also openly displayed messages such as 'No Extinction Now', 'Extinction Now is Gestapo', 'Send SEAL Team 6 to Extinct Extinction Now' or even 'Extinction Now = Hitler', showing people knew Masrani Corporation or dinosaurs were no monsters, but that the real abominations were Extinction Now. People knew it thanks to people such as Alan Grant or Ellie Sattler, who were in the front row of such crowds.


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