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Isla Nublar, 190 kilometers off the Coast of Costa Rica

July 24th, 2014

It was a warm evening in a wooden house by a lake. In that house, an eighteen-year old girl named Cyd Grady was eating popcorn while watching TV. She lived in that house since she was ten years old with her father, former Navy SEAL Owen Grady. Owen, who was the chief Utahraptor handler on Jurassic World, served two years in SEAL Team 4 and four years in the legendary SEAL Team 6 before leaving for Isla Nublar to train dinosaurs and raise his daughter.

Cyd's grandfather, Howard, also served in the US Military, as he was a US Army Green Beret during the Vietnam War, first during a tour from June 1967 to June 1968, then from February 1969 to February 1970. The teen's great-grandfather, Lloyd, was a B-17 Flying Fortress pilot in WW2, from 1943 to 1945, and served in North Africa, Italy, France, Belgium, Germany and in the Pacific. Lloyd Grady had flown a total of 60 missions in both the Mediterranean, European and Pacific Theaters of Operations during his career. Owen himself served as a SEAL marksman in Africa and Afghanistan against numerous terrorist groups. Cyd was therefore proud of her military legacy and felt it was her own patriotic duty to enlist in the US Marine Corps.

As Cyd was watching TV, news report came in. On the TV, the presenter said:

"Today, we've just learned that a bomb exploded in the Museum of Natural History in New York. The explosion killed six civilians inside the museum, as well as two patroling foot police officers and six other civilians outside. We believe the-"

Cyd turned off the TV and dialed a number. Her decision of enlisting in the US Marine Corps, which was only a theory, was about to become a reality.

After a while, a man answered on the phone. "Hello?" he said.

"Yes, Sir it is Cyd Grady here. Do you remember me sending you an application form four months ago?" the teenager politely asked.

"Yes. And you are now going to get at Parris Island." the recruiter said.

"I'm... in?" Cyd asked on a baffled voice.

"That's it." the recruiter replied.

"I'll be here in two days worse." Cyd replied before the recruiter hung up.

Then, as Cyd hung her phone up, her father Owen showed up.

"Hey, Cyd. How about you enlisting?" he asked his daughter.

"I'm in!!" Cyd answered her father before hugging him.

Owen was speechless after learning his single daughter was about to enlist in the US Marine Corps, which she always dreamed of.

The next morning, Owen was standing at the pier, as his daughter had her stuff packed in her travel bag.

"Be careful, right?" Owen asked her.

"Yeah, I won't disapoint you. Our family is a military one, so it is my turn to enlist." Cyd replied before going to the ferry. Once aboard, Cyd waved goodbye to her father, as both of them knew the hardship of being a US Marine. Owen knew his daughter would one day use what life and the Marine Corps taught her since her birth.

But little did they know this decision would change their life. Forever. Indeed, the culprits of the attack were determined to be an extremist paramilitary group named Extinction Now, led by ex-USAF parajumper Larry Reisner and co-founded by ex-US Army-SF Julian Sands and ex-LAPD-SWAT Andy Salamanca.

Jurassic World: Danger Close, MarinesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt