Chapter 1: Arrival

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Sir." Cyd answered before motioning to Lance CPL Schaffer, PFC Harringon and PFC Marquette to follow her.

Tim and Munson then began to pack up alongside their men as they ran back to the MV-22B, which promptly took off with Basco 2-3 inside and headed back to the USS Boxer.

The reason why the US Marines were here was simple: Interpol and HQ told them there was something about to happen in Jurassic World and ordered a USMC team to go and investigate.

Pacific Ocean

As the USMC Osprey flew away northwards, the captain, helmsman and the executive officer of the cargo ship MV Dust Storm were being held hostage by two terrorists, a British one named Witter and a Russian one named Chernov.

"We'll be at the docks in fourty-five minutes." the captain said on the radio.

"Copy that, Dust Storm." the radio operator said.

A terrorist, actually a disguised cop, came on the deck, only for Chernov, who had put the radio down, to kill the undercover officer with his Glock-17 as Witter shot the captain, helmsman and executive officer dead with his MP5A3.

"Kill them all! Then get changed" Witter ordered in a sadistically happy voice as Chernov rose the anchor of the MV Dust Storm.

Down the hold, terrorists gunned down dead all of the other crewmen.

"Hawkins here, crew dead, we're clear." Hawkins said on the radio.

Then, Witter high-five his good friend Chernov and the two of them got dressed after throwing the dead police officer and crewmen in the sea.

Chernov then dialed a number as Witter took the helm of the ship.

"Salamanca here." a man named Andy Salamanca answered.

"Ship clear. We will be here in 45 minutes. Better than expected. And we killed that motherfucking undercover cop." Chernov said in a happy voice.

"We did, too. Eight of them actually. Hoskins is a good friend of Reisner's and we still have lot of time before we start our endeavor, so be quick." Salamanca reminded to Chernov on a serious and happy voice.

Then, Chernov having heard Salamanca had hung up, started the engines of the cargo ship, prompting the MV Dust Storm to head straight to Isla Nublar.

Hydroelectric powerplant

At the site of the former electric powerplant, Cyd and the rest of her team stopped and inspected their surroundings when Marquette saw something moving.

"Got movement." he said above a whisper.

"Take cover." Cyd said as everyone ducked to cover.

The source of the movement revealed itself to be none other than Vic Hoskins, who dialed a number and waited.

"Hey, Vic my friend, how are you?" Larry Reisner answered.

"Yeah, fine. Do you want to know about the list? I stole it from Masrani under the pretense of checking for security flaws. Should I call the InGen guys?" Hoskins happily said, not knowing Cyd was recording the whole conversation.

"Oh, hell yeah. We killed all of the ten undercover cops in our army. Call yours, we will need them." Reisner told his friend before hanging up his phone.

Hoskins then dialed another number.

"Yes?" a man answered.

"Listen Antonis. You can have the guys going into action. How much time do you need?" Hoskins told his contact named Mike Antonis.

Jurassic World: Danger Close, MarinesWhere stories live. Discover now