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   Hi, I'm Izcana and nice to "meet" you, I suppose (not because it's not nice to meet you but because I'm not sure it counts as meeting you if I'm only talking to you one-sidedly)! This is a Maze Runner fanfiction, but the plotline is quite different and it follows the perspective of a lot of people, but it follows mostly Cyrah and Newt. 

   Please be nice in the comments (to each other and me), which means no rude words, and helpful feedback. There is absolutely no need to badger me with spelling mistakes on someone's name when you can be offering useful suggestions, and if someone else has mentioned something, it'll be in my best interest for you to not mention it the 30th? time (sometimes I read stories on Wattpad and there are ridiculous amounts of comments because someone wrote someone else's name wrong or something trivial like that). I try to read everyone's comments, but you know...time management, I am quite busy, after all (with so many stories to keep track of).

   If you would like something to happen in the story I will ask you for ideas, but keep in mind, I may not get to it if I already had something special planned or someone messaged me first (or something like that).

   Also, I understand some of you would like this to be a Newt x Reader fanfic, but I didn't write it that way because I figured Cyrah would look somewhat like Minho if they were siblings, and since you know, not everyone has black hair, pale skin, and hazel eyes...However, if anyone would like that, I will write another one when I finish this series (which may be in a while, but hey, at least you get the book).

   If you guys would like a prequel after the 3 books in this series are finished, please comment or message me. I also desperately need a cover for a lot of my books and I am dreadful at making covers, so please, if you guys are good at would be very helpful, and as I said in the blurb, you'll get full credits, a shoutout, and a mention in the blurb! Though I don't actually know how to send images through Wattpad, so if anyone knows, please comment on that on this introduction page.

Wow, that was a long introduction. Comment, follow, and vote, please! Without further ado, enjoy the story!

- Izcana

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