Part 2

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part


I opened the door seeing Taeyong. I really don't want him to be my boyfriend anymore. Every day he sees me, he abuses me. For what reason I still don't know. One day he just slapped me, and apologized and I stupidly forgave him. But the abusing never stopped. It went from slapping to punching. To slamming me against the wall. To kicking me while I was already down.

And don't ask me why I never told.

I let him in and he greeted my parents acting fake. Because we both know once we go up to my room and I close and lock that door he is gonna punch and knock the shit out of me for no reason.

We went upstairs and I closed the door and locked it behind me and Taeyong sat on my bed.

"Mai. Come here." Taeyong said and I nervously walked over and stood in front of him. And he stood up, standing over me.

"Yes?" I answered. He took a deep breath, and slapped me. Hard. Making me fall down holding my face.

"Why the fuck didn't you answer your phone? Look what you made me do." He said looking down at me.

Somehow for a whole year (last year) Taeyong convinced be that every time he hit me it was my fault and I caused it. And I always ended up apologizing for something that I couldn't control.

"You aren't gonna apologize?" He asked and I back up away from him hitting the wall.

"Why should I apologize?" I asked looking up at him.

"Because it's your fault." He said.

"How? I didn't have my phone and if I didn't pack up you came over here anyway. You were gonna hit regardless if I did answer." I said getting up and sitting on my bed and he looked shocked.

"How dare you talk to me like this? Like I won't punch the shit out of you." He said raising his hand at me, making me flinch.

"Exactly. You try to get tough all the time, but you're still a little bitch at the end of the day." He said rolling his eyes.

"Oh. And I'm breaking up with you." He said and I felt a wave of relief. At least I won't have to get slapped and punched everyday anymore. I can finally recover from this shit.

"Okay..." I said trying to hide my excitement.

But he grabbed my shirt lifting me up.

"If you tell anyone I used to abuse you. I'll kill you." He said and tossed me back down. And he opened the door and went out the house.

And I cheered. Finally. I knew all my hoping was gonna pay off one fucking day.

I'm just sad that he left and walked out of the door with my virginity. If I wasn't so stupid I would still have it, and he wouldn't have even thought about taking it.

And my mother came in my room.

"Why did Taeyong leave so early?" She asked and I sighed trying to act sad about it.

"He broke up with me." I said.

"That's why he left without saying anything? I'm so sorry mad honey." She said hugging me and I rolled my eyes.

Sorry? You should be over joyed about this amazing news. I just hope he doesn't go and get another girlfriend and abuse her too, I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. Not even people I hate.

"It's okay mom. I just wanna go to the store really quick and get some candy." I said and she nodded.

When my mother left and closed the door, I stood up about to go change. But I felt something coming up in my throat. I quickly ran to my bathroom an threw up. And shook my head.

"That can't be good." I said thinking I was sick.

I ignored that, and just decided to get a ginger ale while I was at the store. I brushed my teeth again and got dressed. I wore this.

As I walked to the store I felt heart burn in my chest, and I've never had heart burn before

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As I walked to the store I felt heart burn in my chest, and I've never had heart burn before. But according to my mother everything that happens is because I'm not drinking enough water, or I'm on my phone too much.

I stopped to take a breather for a second and kept walking. When I was walking down the aisle to get my ginger ale, my phone dinged. And told me my period was supposed to come, according to the last time I had it.

I quickly got my ginger ale, and looked around the store for some pads. And I got 2 packs. I checked out and walked back home.

When I got there I went right up to my room and put a pad on just in case I started bleeding today instead of tomorrow. Didn't want to have period stains on my clothes.

I sat on my bed watching a movie, and eating my candy bar and drinking my ginger ale.

After I finished, I fell alseep taking what I thought was an hour long nap. But you know how you go to sleep and you wake up and it's like 8 or 9 at fucking night? Yea that's what happened.

I woke up and yawned and looked around. And decided to see what my mother was cooking. But I was craving pickles and ice cream, which is a weird combination. But I wanted it for some reason.

I walked down stairs and my mother looked up at me at the top of the stairs.

"Hey sleepy head. I wanted to tell you dinner was ready but I didn't wanna wake you." She said as I rubbed the crust out of my eyes.

"It's fine. I don't really want chicken." I said getting ice cream.

"You are not having ice cream for dinner." My mom said making me laugh.

"Please just this one time." I said getting pickles too. And she scrunched you're her face.

"I haven't eaten pickles and ice cream since I was pregnant with you." She said and started laughing.

"Maybe I miss it from the womb." I said scooping some ice cream in a bowl. I got a pickle and went back upstairs eating it.

And for some reason it just tasted so good together. But looking down at it, it just looked so disgusting.

But I couldn't get my mind off of going back to school tomorrow. Since Taeyong is an attention whore, I'm guessing he already told everyone he broke up with me. I don't really care about none of the bitches or guys in there opinions. Thule can suck an ass.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Check out my other works. Smuts. Spilled Milk. BTS reactions and scenarios. And I Can Show You.

Love you!😘😘😘😘

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