Chapter 16

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It's the finale omg 😭

Warning: language

You woke up the next morning and saw Bucky sitting at the table. You groaned and sat up, putting your hair into a ponytail. You'd changed into one of Wanda's shirts to sleep in, typically you'd wear one of Bucky's but due to the recent incident....

He ran his fingers through his hair and looked up at you with bleary, red, sleep deprived, tear stained eyes. "What do you want?" You said, frowning at him. "Y/n I was up all night thinking about what happened. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He said.

"Why did you do it James." You said, tears threatening to fall. "Because.. I was trying to keep up the character of the guy she was 'supposed' to be meeting with." "Yeah." You rolled your eyes. "You looked a little too into it for acting." You crossed your arms.

"Doll I wasn't even touching her! She had her hands on me. I swear." He said. "I can't sleep, I can't eat. I don't know what to do without you Y/n. I can't live without you." He said. "Well get used to it." You said coldly.

You turned around and left to go to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror and began to cry. The tears fell from your cheeks and onto the counter below. You wanted nothing more to be in Bucky's arms right now. To be able to kiss him. Hold him. Love him.

Apparently the Bucky you knew was gone because this one kept kissing other girls. You turned on the shower and stepped inside. You figured a shower would do you some good after what had just happened.

You were nearly finished dressing when your phone began to ring. It was Steve. "Y/n you have to get down here now. There's a maniac loose in the back alley. Hurry." He hung up. You changed into some more athletic gear and literally jumped off the balcony, using your magic to slow you down.

"It's you... you're the girl that knocked me out!" He laughed. It was the waiter from the night before. He had a nasty bruise spanning the whole side of his head, ending near the bridge of his nose.

He probably had some considerable amount of brain damage, despite the amount of force you hit him with. "What the hell.." you were completely unarmed besides your powers, so you were nearly helpless when the waiter pulled a gun on you.

"Y/n! NO!" Bucky jumped in front of you. There was a loud bang and Bucky was on the ground, blood oozing from a wound on his right shoulder.

You looked down at Bucky, and started crying. You stood up, rage filling your veins once more, and you rained literal hellfire down on the son of a bitch.

Once the fire had subsided, there was nothing left of the waiter. Not even bones or ash. Completely gone. "Bucky." Was the first word that left your mouth as you spun around to see Steve holding a tourniquet to Bucky's flesh arm. If it wasn't for him that bullet would be between your eyes right now.

You owed him your life. "Y/n, can you heal him?" Steve said, obviously worried sick. "Not here. Not with people watching like this." You said.

The six of you returned to yours and Bucky's hotel room, setting Bucky on the floor. You asked for a first aid kit, then asked Wanda to take his temp and heart rate. You set your hands on his arm, and closed your eyes, concentrating as much as you could with your worried teammates around you.

You felt the flesh beneath you begin to heal, along with every torn muscle, artery, vein and blood vessel damaged in his body. You weren't a very skilled healer, so there would be some major scarring, but you managed to get the bullet out.

"He's probably going to be out the rest of the day. Let's try and get him on pain meds because it's going to be a little sore. I healed it as much as I could so because of that the pain won't be as bad. Steve, Thor, will you help me get him on my bed?" You asked.

They nodded and picked him up carefully. You took
Off his shoes and they laid him down, covering him with the blanket.

You sat down on your side of the bed, examining him carefully for any other injuries. He didn't seem to have any at the moment. When he woke up again, you would probably kill him for taking a bullet for you.

"Do you need anything Y/n?" Steve asked. "Well, I think he just needs to rest and frankly so do I." You said. "I'm exhausted." "Well then, we'll leave you two alone." Steve said walking out the door with Thor and Wanda. "He's a fighter alright. I'm sure he'll be fine. Are you okay?" Nat asked. "I will be when he wakes up." You said.

Nat smiled and left, shutting the door behind her. You looked over at Bucky, who was still sound asleep. "Please be okay baby." You said quietly.

You sat with your head on your knees for hours, keeping an eye on your sorta boyfriend, waiting for him to wake up, and silently crying to yourself.

Soon you ran out of tears to cry, so you just sat there emotionless until it grew dark out. You got up and made yourself some food, before turning on your favorite movie.

Maybe he'd be okay. You wouldn't be able to start feeling better until he woke up. Hopefully that would be sooner rather than later.

*time skip*

You were back at the Avengers compound, sitting in a hospital room with your sorta boyfriend. It had been well over a week since the incident in Paris. Bruce had run multiple tests but couldn't figure out why Bucky wouldn't wake up.

The only reason he could give you was that he was just so over exhausted that getting shot was the last straw. Right now he was just charging up.

You had another mission to go on that day, and you were extremely hesitant to go. You really hadn't left his side for anything. You had Nat or Wanda bring you food, or clothes. They understood your pain and wanted to help you in any way they could.

The mission was simple, it didn't require much. You were basically just spying on a government official suspected to be working for North Korea. You weren't supposed to apprehend him or even make your presence known to him.

You got back from the mission that night thoroughly worn out. You walked back to your room to go take a shower before grabbing dinner, a book, and a cup of coffee and heading back over to the hospital wing.

You'd come back at around seven thirty that evening, and found Bucky in the same state he'd been in for nearly two weeks. Asleep.

You smiled softly to yourself, as you sat down next to him and cracked open your book. Again, you sat like that for hours. The same routine as the last week. Sitting, reading, watching, hoping, praying that he'd forgive you, and that he would be okay. Praying he would finally wake up and things would be able to
go back to normal.

If you had been listening to music or watching a show you probably wouldn't have heard it. Your head shot up and your eyes met with bright blue ones.


"Bucky?" You looked over at him, those big blue eyes staring back at you. "Oh my god! James. You're okay!" You threw your book down and went to hug him, a quiet sob escaping your lips.

"Bucky I thought I'd lost you!" You cried. "You could never lose me Y/n. Not ever." He hugged you back with his metal arm. You let out a sigh of relief. "But, aren't you still mad at me?" He asked.

"Bucky I love you." You said quickly. "What?" He said, his jaw slack. "You.. you love me?" "I wish I could have told you sooner Buck. When you took that bullet for me, that's when I realised I couldn't loose you too. You're too important. I do love you." You smiled. Bucky sat up a little more.

"Say that again." He smiled. "I love you." You leaned in and kissed him. "I love you too Y/n. Always."

~The end~

Word count: 1467

Dear lord this story was about to end a different way let me tell you. I was gonna cut it off after Bucky said Y/n? But then I thought, that's too cruel. So you're welcome. THANK YOU FOR READING ❤️ ILYSM.

Visions- Loki x Reader

Coming this Halloween!

Lipstick- a Bucky Barnes x reader story Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя