Chapter 2

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Warning: language

    "There she is!" You heard someone shout. You looked over and saw a swarm of guards running at you. You threw your hair up into a ponytail, eyes on fire. You didn't want to do it, but with a flick of your wrist, there was a ring of fire around the guards. You rose above the flames, using the air around you to boost yourself up. "I think you should start being a little nicer. Don't ya think?" They all looked up at you, horrified. You jumped down, and ran off to help wherever you could.

    You found Steve, who was knocking out all the guards and soldiers running at him. "Steve on the count of three jump!" You took a deep breath and knelt down. "What?" He asked, confused. "Just trust me!" You took a deep breath.  "One..!" Steve bent his knees. "Two!" You placed your hands on the ground. "THREE!" Steve jumped up and you sent a shockwave through the ground, blowing a bolt of lightning through the ground. It was pretty big, so you hoped it knocked out most of the hydra agents, because you lost consciousness.

   Bucky punched a man in the face with his metal arm. "Nat! Behind you!" Bucky yelled. "Yeah I see 'em!" She yelled back. Suddenly, there was an earthquake. He assumed it was Y/n, but this is Hydra. It could be anything. Most of the hydra agents fell, unconscious after the wave hit. There were a few stragglers, that Bucky knocked out, with the help of the rest of the avengers. Bucky ran back to the quinjet, but stopped when he saw her. "дерьмо" (shit) "Y/n, are you okay?" Bucky shook you. "Dammit." Bucky picked you up, and took you back to the jet.

   You woke up a day later in a hospital bed. You sat up slowly. A man in a lab coat was sitting in the chair next to you. "Ah good you're awake." You rubbed your eyes. "Who are you?" You said. "Oh, I'm Dr. Bruce Banner." "Are you the big guy?" You said. "Well, the hulk is. I'm me. Anyway, I ran a few tests on you while you were knocked out, I hope you don't mind. I didn't want to keep you cooped up in here longer than you needed. But Everything seems to be normal." He smiled.

"Other than your powers. Steve listed them all. Said you seemed to be a bit uncomfortable with one of them?" He asked. You took a deep breath. "Yeah. I had a bad experience with my fire powers when I was eighteen. It's how I hurt my older sister." You said. "How did you develop your powers?" He asked.

"It was in the serum they injected us with. My sister had powers too. Telekinesis, she mastered all the elements like I could except lightning. She could also control the energy in living things. Kill them and bring them back. My parents.. as far as I know.. they were completely normal." "Well over the tests we ran, we found that your DNA has been altered, so your powers are permanent. And both your parents were normal. Your powers are like nothing we've seen before. Wanda is telekinetic, but she can't... make fire.. Thor is the god of thunder, he can control lightning, then again so can you. We're just trying to help." He said, taking note of your vitals. "I understand." You said. "What?"

"You said you were trying to help. Hydra is behind me. I never want to go back to that hellhole ever again. I'm happy to be here. I want to fight for good." You said. "Great." Tony and Steve had appeared at the door. "Congratulations kid." Steve said. "You're an avenger now." Tony smiled. "Am I good to go?" You asked Bruce. "Uh, yeah. You should be fine. Take it easy for a few days alright?" He said. "I will." You said.

   "Let me text everybody else.. tell them to meet in the penthouse living room." Tony smirked over at Steve, who read the text over his shoulder. It read 'Avengers Assemble'

   "Alright  everyone. I want to let everybody know, that Miss Y/n, is officially a member of the avengers." Tony slapped you on the back, and you flinched. "Oops, sorry!" Tony said quickly. "No no, it's fine, you didn't mean it." You smiled softly. You looked to the rest of your new team.

"Sweet!" Wanda smiled. "Alright Y/n!" Bucky smiled. "Welcome to the gang Avatar." Clint had come in. "Is that my nickname now?" You threw your hands up in defeat. "I can lift other things you know." You held out your hand and Clint was lifted off the ground a few inches. He laughed. Good thing they weren't scared of you. That would not be good.

"Hey Y/n, can I talk to you for a minute? Bucky, Wanda you too." Tony motioned. You looked over at Wanda who smiled at you warmly. "What's up Mr. Stark?" You asked. "Please. Tony is fine." He said. "What are we doing?" Bucky asked. "While you were out, my construction guys built you this." He walked down the hall to the door on the end.

"If you'd said no, I probably would've turned this into another gym or a shower room or a lab or something, but since you said yes.." he opened the door, revealing a big bedroom, that had a couch, a table, and a huge flat screen TV. "Tony.." your jaw dropped. "Nobody's ever done this much for me before.." you turned around. "Thank you so much!" You ran and gave him a hug. "You're welcome kid. Okay. Now get off because there's more." He laughed. "What?" Tony pointed to the two doors on the right side of the room. "More?" You said. "Open the one on the right." He smirked. You opened it to see a large bathroom, that had another door on the left.

  "What's in he- dios mío." You gasped. It was your bedroom. There was a huge king size bed with a beautiful view of New York City. "Why the hell are you doing this for me?" You asked. "I know you've had it rough all your life, we just wanted to make you feel at home here. Also- your closet." He said. You walked over to the double doors, and pushed them open. "What the Heck Tony?!" You shouted. There was a closet full of clothes. Yours, and others that someone must've bought you. Along with a wall of shoes, bags, hats, and accessories. "This wasn't my fault. When Pepper found out about you she insisted we get you some clothes. Don't thank me." He put his hands up. "Wow. I can't believe this. How can I repay you?" You said. "By working here. We really need a chick like you on the team. Your powers are insane. We're glad to have you." He said.

   "Hey Tony! Why are we here exactly?" Bucky called from the other room. "Oh right. Come on I need to talk to you three." He pulled your arm. That closet man. "Alright so look. Cyborg, the powerpuff girl, and the Avatar here. You three all came from Hydra to the Avengers yeah?" He said. "Yeah..?" You all agreed. "You see where I'm going with this? You three should get to know each other.. you all have a lot in common. Help Y/n out." He smiled.

"Duces." He threw up a peace sign and left. You looked over to Bucky and Wanda. "So. How are you feeling?" Wanda asked. "Pretty overwhelmed.. tired. Anxious. I don't know how to feel. I'm happy that I finally have a home here. Did you two feel the same way?" You asked.

"Well, I was brainwashed for the longest time, I had withdrawals, which I'm sure you'll have at some point, so I'm right down the hall." Bucky said. "Withdrawals?" You questioned. "Nightmares." He said. "Oh great." You chuckled. "What about you Wanda? What's your story?" You asked. "Oh! Well Clint was the one to get me to be an Avenger. He tried to help my brother Pietro too, but he died in battle." She said. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." You laid a hand on her shoulder. "It's alright. It was years ago." She smiled. "How bout you doll?" Bucky asked. "Hold up. doll? Really? Okay, First, don't call me that. Second, I haven't known you for what, like a week? Even then I was only conscious for two of them, so if you want to stay on my good side," you walked over and stepped in between his legs, tilting his head up with your finger. "I wouldn't call names. Got that?" You smirked, flaring your power so your eyes would glow yellow, the color of your powers.

Bucky took in a sharp breath. "Yes ma'am." You said. "Yes! Finally somebody had the guts to stand up to him. I like you Y/n. We're going to be great friends." She high fived you. You sat on the arm of the couch, facing the table Wanda and Bucky sat at. Time to let loose and tell your story.

Word count: 1545

Lipstick- a Bucky Barnes x reader story Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang