Chapter 7

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   Warning: language ;)

    You sat bolt upright. You were honestly surprised a scream didn't leave you, but even then, you were still scared out of your wits. You let out a big sigh, rubbing your hands on your face. You looked around, and saw that it was still pitch black outside. You looked back and saw you had Bucky's shirt on. You felt a hand on your back, and you looked down to see Bucky's slitted blue eyes looking up at you.

  "Sorry..." you said, sighing. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I just had a nightmare. I'm okay." You reached over and looked at the time. 4:12.

   "It's still so early.. damn." You looked back down at  Bucky. You shifted down to him, moving his hair out of his face. "Have you been awake this whole time?" You asked him. "No, I just woke up a few minutes before you. I had a nightmare too." He said, caressing your cheek.

     "What was it about?" You asked. "I was back at Hydra again. Typically I wake up and I go to Steve's room or something, but I didn't want you to think I'd left you or something." He said.

   "I'm glad you didn't, I don't want you to leave." You smiled, snuggling back into him. You put your hand to his face, and felt a small pulse of your magic leave your fingers. "What was that?" He asked, touching your hand. You pulled it away.

   "Oops! Oh shit, sorry. Calming magic, it's a habit." You bit your lip. "It's okay. I'm.. okay as long as I'm here with you." He smiled.

"You sure?" You asked. "Yes. Now how about we get a few more hours of sleep?" He said. "Mmm I think yes." You turned around, facing away from him. "Hey.." he said rather loudly. "What?" You said worried.

   He'd moved the covers to where there was a spot open for you. "Oh." You giggled. You snuggled into his bare chest, breathing in deeply. He was so warm.

   You knew you'd have to enjoy this while it lasted, because it probably wouldn't happen again. You knew that for a fact.

But something about Bucky just made things feel right. Normal even. Bucky made you happy, that's for sure. You just wondered how things would be when the day actually began.

   As of now however, you laid there in Bucky's arms, pretending as if it'd never end, as if he'd be laying with you forever.

"Y/n... " you inhaled deeply. "Wake up... come on doll.." your eyes slowly opened. You looked up and saw Steve standing above your bed. You squinted. "Steve?" Bucky was gone. "Wh... what time is it?" You sat up, rubbing your eyes.

"It's 10:30, there's breakfast in the kitchen, but it's cold.. and it's almost time for lunch anyway." He said. "Is there coffee?" You asked. "Yes there's coffee.
Now get dressed. Maybe shower. You don't look too hot." He said, walking to the door. "Where's Bucky?" You asked, not realizing that Steve probably didn't know. "I'm not sure, why?" He asked. You were quiet for a moment. "He's supposed to do something for me today." You pouted. "That's like him to disappear." You sighed. Steve chuckled, and left.

   You hopped out of bed, and walked over to the bathroom. You were still in Bucky's shirt, and you still didn't have any underwear on. Cheeky. You pulled your hair down, and walked to the shower.

    You turned it on, and stripped. You shut the door and locked it. You stepped in the shower, proceeding to stand in the piping hot water for at least ten minutes before finally washing off.

You grabbed a towel, and dried your hair as best you could, before wrapping up, brushing your teeth, grabbing Bucky's shirt, and walking out.

"Miss Y/n." "Good morning Jarvis" you smiled. "Captain Rogers has requested you come to the gym. He said he wanted to have a quick training session." He said. "Okay, would ya tell him I'll be down in... half an hour?" "Of course." He said. "Thank you Jarvis."

Lipstick- a Bucky Barnes x reader story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora