The exciting fansign

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Y/n's pov

"Mia get ready quickly , we need to rush or we'll be late now come-on " I said as she went to change her clothes. I looked at her as I am feeling like we're so late . It's my first time that I'm going to attend EXO fansign event . Like how will you feel if you get the thing you're wishing for so long all of a sudden. Well you can compare that happiness of your's with mine right now. Today I'll be able to meet chanyeol , baekhyun , chen, sehun and all except suho , do and xuimin who are completing their military service. Well I'm like on cloud 9 right now. "Y/n now stop day dreaming and you all get ready if you don't want to get late for that stupid fansign" mia said as I glares at her "it isn't funny mia fan signs are not stupid and not exo are stupid so keep it low or I'll tear all the posters of your favourite actors in your room" I said glaring at her as she gave me a peace sign going to her room to do her hair. Well yeah she isn't fond of exo or Korean groups . But as she's my bestest friend so yeah she got listen all my tantrums and all those screams I do when I watch exo . Well I'm a fan girl afterall so yeah she always say that it makes her happy to see me happy. Well this sounds like eomma but this is her personality she is like a mommy figure to me. Ok now I also have to get ready so I quickly went to washroom as I showered and it only took me 20 ti 30 minutes to shower and got out as I wore my purple galaxy finished tee with black skinny jeans and to complete my dress I wore a cardigan over it. I did a high ponytail and wore some eyeliners and yes that's it. This is how I do my makeup well in my makeup it's only eyeliner. And yeah body lotion too. After all this I wore my black starry night finished high shoes and here I am all set to head to the fan sign. "Babe you look hot with this look, I'm sure chanyeol will fall for you" mia said as she looked at me . "No way mommy there will be many pretty girls there and I'm nothing compared to them all" I protested as she went near me giving a lill glare as she held my shoulders and dragged me in front of the mirror "no way y/n look at you , your eyes are so sparkly and not to mention that this eyeliner and your natural brown greenish orbs are so good and you look so cute in this outfit yet so pretty I'm sure chanyeol will like you" she said making me embarassed now. "Well this isn't like a marriage or something that I am going their as her marriage candidate" I said as she nodded and pointed at the clock which is showing that it's already 11am and the fan sign will start at 12 and I'm sure I'm going to be late.

No one's POV

Y/n and mia got in the car waiting to reach their destination . Soon after 20minutes they reached the venue. Y/n was now feeling all nervous as they waited for the fan sign to start. "Mia am feeling so nervous now" y/n said as mia chilled and hugged y/n to comfort her.

Soon many other fans came as the place become more crowded now mia have to go she have some plans and she need to go their. "Okay y/n I'm going for now, but call me when you'll be done" mia said as she smiled and went to her car and drive off. Now it's only y/n and her favourite group of boys. And in only 15 minutes it all started boys are on stage saying Jokes and doing their promotions and y/n even though can't speak very fluent Korean still trying to catch up with what they say . She's just busy smiling and watching them specially her bias which is the tall and cute giant chanyeol.

Chanyeol's POV

It was a very nice day and we have our promotions and fansign . I don't know why but today is something making me feel extra happy dunno whether it is the nice spring weather or something else. But I am really excited to meet the cute and supportive fam. I went to take shower and getting ready. I wore my black jeans with a white tee and blue denim jacket on it styling my hair and wearing white shoes. Now am all ready to go. I went out to see everyone ready to go we all cheered and entered the van and soon we all are at the place. And it excites me to see lots of fans. As we excited the van baekhyun is here sticking with me like a koala. Don't know why he still feels somewhat nervous or is it just for fans to show more and more chanbaek moments. But he's my besties buddy so I'm happy to stick with him all the time. Since there is no suho hyung so baekhyun will do the introductions and all and it was all going good cause fans looked all enthusiastic and excited. Soon we all are seated and fans are coming and the whole old process of meeting our fans and interacting with them.

During signing a cute girl I felt like someone poked me and as I looked at my left it is sehun signalling me to look somewhere . As I looked at the direction he was pointing it felt like my whole world stopped . It was a very cute yet pretty girl in the line who is now interacting with kai asking him to wear a head ornament she bought well that ornament is cute and it fits kai very well and he also looked happy about that girl and then baekhyun she gave her another ornament including the eyeliners . Oh my he's surely going to be so happy.
And next to baekhyun it's my turn *oh my god what should I do and wait what feeling is it? Why my heart is pounding like crazy is it what everyone say love at first sight?* I thought as she is now in front of me smiling like an angel.

Y/n's pov

My why this all is feeling like a dream. I can't believe that I'm in front of my bias . It is chanyeol infront of me. I am day dreaming again no no this isn't gonna work as I came back to real life I saw chanyeol waving his hands in air infront of me "sorry I got lost in my thoughts" I said without realizing that I said it in english instead of Korean oops! Now he's looking at me like I'm an alien . I quickly said the same thing in Korean which is not fluent but yes I can manage to speak a lill. He smiled and said it's alright . I gave him the head band I bought for him as he put it on smiling so cutely and thanked me. Which make many butterflies to fly in my stomach. And only by this I know that I truly love him. But this isn't gonna work because he's an idol. And I'm just a regular girl.

Chanyeol's POV

Oh my god what is happening to me why I'm feeling like there is something moving in my tummy. And now she's smiling again and this is making me go crazy. the headband she brought for me is as much cute as she is. And this is why I'm definitely able to say that I'm in love with this girl but how ...I'm sure that a girl as pretty as her surely have a boyfriend. "Do you have any boyfriend" I said suddenly not realizing that what just I said. As I got my head back to me I quickly said sorry to her but she said that she don't have any boyfriend. My it means that I have a chance wait what I'm saying and what I'm thinking.

No one's POV

Chanyeol and y/n keep talking talking about many things and it just happened that chanyeol asked for y/n's number and she being a lover girl she is she gave it to him. And it all started from it.
After returning to dorm chanyeol keep on thinking that whether he would call her or will it be so awkward.

Y/n told everything to mia as mia keep on saying that chanyeol is also in love with her. But what made y/n sad was why chanyeol haven't contacted her yet. She keeping her sad face on went to her room showered and changed into her home clothes as she flopped herself on her bed . Connecting her phone with her laptop checking all the pictures of her in fan sign and it made her smile own her own seeing chanyeol's pictures with her. She was looking through the pictures when her phone started to beep. She checked her phone but it was some non saved number it made her thing that whether she should pick it up or not. But still having a hope of having a call from chanyeol she picked it up and it turned out to be her best dream that it was chanyeol and she was so happy. Both of them were very happy. And it all went on like for many weeks then months and then after one year chanyeol proposed y/n to be his girlfriend officially . And he asked permission from his company too.

Word count-1698

This is asked by Yeols_truly unnie and here it is unnie ...hope you'll like it. And I tried my best to write a good one. Enjoy while reading it . Thanks for asking and if any other of you want me to write one ask me.


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