chapter 15

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POV: Sonic
I woke up and looked up at Silver who was asleep next to me. I smiled softly and nuzzled my face in his chest fur. I had only been since yesterday since we started dating and it was going well. I was getting used to receiving attention and affection from my two boyfriends. I still can't believe that I went from single to having two boyfriends. Before, I thought I was going to stay single for life, and that didn't bother me.

"You are going to wake me up if you continue doing that." Silver grumbled and pulled me closer. "And I want to sleep."

"Sorry." I couldn't help but chuckle. "I didn't think it would wake you up."

"It's sensitive, of course it will." Silver yawned then opened his eyes and looked at me. "You want to have me awake so I can shower you with attention." He said to which I chuckled and shook my head. That wasn't what I was going for. "Oh I think that that is exactly it~" Silver chuckled darkly and before I knew it, he was leaving kisses all over my face. I was a giggling mess in a matter of seconds. I didn't know why but I always giggle whenever he kissed me anywhere but my lips.

"Mmh! Knock it off!" I laughed as he kissed my ear again and again. I suddenly began coughing. I turned my head to the side and put a hand over my mouth as I didn't want to be rude.

"Are you okay?" Silver asked me after my coughing died down. He was concerned and afraid. I didn't blame him. After watching me die so many times, he must have gotten a trauma for coughing.

"Yea, I'm fine." I told him. I didn't feel anything coming up my throat so I assumed it was just a regular cough. "I might have gotten a cold."

"I'm not taking any chances. I'm calling Shadow to come over." Silver said, being all serious.

"He's coming over either way." I chuckled then pecked his lips. "So don't worry about that." Right after I said that, I heard the doorbell ring. "That must be him." I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and got up.

"I know I just said I wanted him to come, but I wanted it later so we could cuddle some more." Silver groaned. It was clear that he wasn't going to get out of bed any time soon.

"Well, I'm going downstairs." I said. Silver grumbled to himself and rolled over. "See ya." I said then made my way to the front door.

POV: 3rd person
Sonic opened the door and greeted Shadow with a smile. Shadow leaned in and gave the blue hero a gentle peck on the lips.

"Morning." He walked in and kept the plastic box he was holding behind his back hidden from Sonic.

"M-Morning." Sonic stuttered as he got flustered from the kiss he had gotten. "What's that behind your back?" He asked once he saw that Shadow was hiding something from him.

"Just something little." Shadow said then showed him the seen through box.

"Chili dogs?!" Sonic almost squealed from excitement once he saw the three chili dogs waiting to be eaten. "You got me chili dogs?!"

"I didn't just get you chili dogs. I made them for you." Shadow said, putting the phrase on 'made'.

"You didn't have to do that." Sonic said. "But I'm very thankful that you made it."

"You better enjoy it. It took three hours to make it, and that was only for the chili." Shadow said. He had spent all morning making those chili dogs. He felt bad for what he had done and wanted to make up for it. Even though Sonic didn't know what happened since they went back in time.

"I won't gulp it down." Sonic chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I don't want to see my hard work disappear within a second." Shadow said jokingly since he didn't want Sonic to take it too seriously.

"I won't." Sonic took the box from Shadow and went to warm up the chili dogs. Shadow smiled softly and hugged the blue one from behind as they waited for the chili dogs to be warm. When they were warm, Sonic took his time to enjoy what Shadow had made for him. Eventually Silver came down and the three of them spend the day together.

"How about I move in?" Shadow suggested as he looked down at the younger hedgehog who was lying on top of him while Silver was petting his quills.

"Moving in? Already?" Sonic questioned and sat up.

"I'm not planning on leaving you so why not?" Shadow said and cupped Sonic's cheek then pecked his lips.

"A-Alright then." Sonic said as he blushed. Silver chuckled and hugged the smaller one.

"It sounds fun to live together. We can both spoil you and shower you with affection." He said and lightly nuzzled the other's neck. Both semes seemed to have a liking for nuzzling his neck and hearing him purr.

"That sounds like fun indeed." Shadow said and nuzzled the other side of the hero's neck. Sonic purred and smiled brightly. He liked the sound of that.

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